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130.366  Articles
1 of 13.038 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»

La evaluación del desempeño del especialista de Medicina General Integral en la Atención Primaria de Salud desde la dimensión componentes profesionales / The evaluation of the performance of the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine in Primary Heal La evaluación del desempeño del especialista de Medicina General Integral en la Atención Primaria de Salud desde la dimensión componentes profesionales / The evaluation of the performance of the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine in Primary HealObjetivo: determinar los indicadores para la evaluación del desempeño del especialista de Medicina General Integral, en la Atención Primaria de Salud, mediante la parametrización.Métodos: Se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis documental, el histórico lógico y la parametrización.Resultados: la parametrización del desempeño del especialista de Medicina General Integral en Atención Primaria de Salud, en la dimensión componentes profesionales resultó amplia, por lo cual se decide subdimensionarla en: - la Comunicación, entrevista clínica en la relación médico-paciente, determinándose para ella, siete indicadores; para la subdimensión -Aplicación del método clínico (cinco indicadores); a la de Atención al individuo, grupos poblacionales y grupos con factores de riesgo, se le determinaron 33 indicadores para su evaluación y para la subdimensión Atención a la familia y a la Comunidad, se establecieron once.Conclusiones: los especialistas de Medicina General Integral de la Atención Primaria de Salud responderían a la necesidad de contar con indicadores para la evaluación de su desempeño.ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the indicators for the evaluation of the performance of the General Integral Medicine specialist, in the Primary Health Care, through the parameterization.Methods: Theoretical methods such as documentary analysis, logical history and parameterization were used.Results: the parametrization of the performance of the specialist in Integral General Medicine in Primary Health Care, in the dimension of professional components was wide, for which it is decided to sub-dimension it in: Communication, clinical interview in the doctor-patient relationship, determining for it , seven indicators; for the subdimension - Application of the clinical method (five indicators); to the one of Attention to the individual, population groups and groups with risk factors, 33 indicators were determined for its evaluation and for the subdimension Attention to the family and to the Community, eleven were established.Conclusions: the specialists of Integral General Medicine of the Primary Health Care would respond to the need of having indicators for the evaluation of their performance.Keywords: comprehensive general medicine; competition-performance; evaluation; parameterization.

Métodos: Se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis documental, el histórico lógico y la parametrización.Resultados: la parametrización del desempeño del especialista de Medicina General Integral en Atención Primaria de Salud, en la dimensión compone... see more

AbstractOrientation: Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) continues to be a global public health challenge. Healthcare professionals caring for MDR-TB patients face the occupational risk of being infected.Research purpose: To describe the experience... see more

The entrance of the information technology within health organizations has been causing a true revolution, with new proposals in order to become a new practical facilitator on daily basis of health professionals. This article has the objective to evaluate... see more

Abstract:  The relationship between doctors and patients is a form of social relationship in which the relationship experiences dynamics. The dynamics that occur can create a harmonious atmosphere between the two parties. Bad relationships can also o... see more

Telenursing is a way of caring for and educating oncology patients to promote self-care management at home. The objective of the study was to analyze the scientific evidence on telenursing in the care of oncology patients. This was a systematic and descri... see more

Patients are best positioned to provide information about their experiences of healthcare services; however, their perspectives are often underutilized.  During informal discussions with massage therapists (MTs), and through the authors’ own professi... see more

Introduction: Principlism, from Tom Beauchamp and James Childress, is the most widely accepted theory in biomedical ethics. It is based on four principles: Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Autonomy and Justice. These are part of a common moral serving genera... see more

1 of 13.038 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»