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Language testing development intervened with cognitive processes and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) has impacted the English tests, included Indonesian university entrance exams within a decade. State universities in Indonesia which are in demand to ... see more

Passing University Entrance Exams (UEE) successfully has long been a major concern for Iranian high school students. High Schools for the Gifted admit highly intelligent and hardworking students, who reportedly form a remarkable proportion of students adm... see more

Rendimiento académico y caracterización psicopedagógica en estudiantes de Estomatología del primer curso Plan D Rendimiento académico y caracterización psicopedagógica en estudiantes de Estomatología del primer curso Plan DIntroducción: el plan de estudios D en la Carrera de Estomatología se implementa a partir del curso 2011 - 2012, curso en el cual se observaron bajas promociones. Estos resultados académicos llevaron a analizar la influencia de algunos aspectos de la caracterización psicopedagógica del estudiante, que se consideran como predictores del rendimiento académico en el proceso docente. Objetivo: verificar la  capacidad  predictiva de algunos aspectos de la caracterización psicopedagógica respecto al rendimiento académico, en el primer curso del Plan D de la Carrera de Estomatología. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio explicativo observacional transversal en 54 estudiantes del primer año de la Carrera de Estomatología de la Facultad "Victoria de Girón". Resultados: Solo 20,4% de los estudiantes aprobaron en examen ordinario, de los cuales 100,0% tenían índices académicos de la enseñanza preuniversitariaentre 90 y 100 puntos.El 100,0% de los estudiantes con escalafón entre 90 y 100 aprobó en ordinario, así como 87,5% de los clasificados con rendimiento intelectual alto y 85,7% de los clasificados con nivel motivacional I. El 79,6% de los procedentes de la vía directa, aprobó en extraordinarios. Conclusiones: La promoción en los exámenes ordinarios fue marcadamente baja en relación con la promoción final. Se comportaron como predictores del rendimiento académico del estudiante, el escalafón, el rendimiento intelectual y el nivel de desarrollo de la motivación profesional, no así el índice académico del preuniversitario y la vía de ingreso. Palabras clave: promoción académica, resultados docentes, predictores, rendimiento académico, carrera de Estomatología.ABSTRACTIntroduction: The plan of studies D in the dentistry career is implemented starting from the course 2011 - 2012, where drops promotions were observed. These academic results took to analyze the influence of some aspects of the student's characterization both psychological and pedagogical consideringlike predictors of the academic yield in the educational process. Objective: To verify the prediction capacity of some aspects of the characterization psychological and pedagogical regarding the academic yield, in the first course of the Plan D in the dentistry career, university "Victoria of Girón". Material and Methods: Study explanatory observational traverse in 54 students of the first year of the dentistry career, university "Victoria of Girón". Results: 20,4% of the students approved in ordinary exam only, of which 100,0% had academic indexes of the teaching of the college between 90 and 100 points. The 100,0% of the students withscale between 90 and 100 approved in ordinary, as well as 87,5% of those classified with high intellectual yield and 85,7% of those classified with level motivational I. The 79,6% of those coming from the direct admission, it approved in extraordinary. Conclusions: The promotion in the ordinary exams was markedly low in connection with the final promotion. They behaved as predictors of the student's academic yield, the scale, the intellectual yield and the level of development of the professional motivation; I didn't seize the academic index of the college and the entrance road. Key words: academic promotion, educational results, student’s predictors, academic yield, dentistry career.

Objetivo: verificar la  capacidad  predictiva de algunos aspectos de la caracterización psicopedagógica respecto al rendimiento académico, en el primer curso del Plan D de la Carrera de Estomatología. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio e... see more

This paper analyses associations between performance on the entrance exams and subsequent academic performance at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Results clearly indicate that minority students catch up with other students while attending t... see more

In Turkey, the preparation process for the university entrance exam gives rise to the centres of private courses known as “dershane” which is the Turkish counterpart of cram schools. Dershanes has significant impact on high school education. Sure, people ... see more

The purpose of this article is to claim the communicative culture of informal argumentation in classrooms from a dialogical methodology to match the current demands of the competency-based education for life. That is why it explores the definition, origin... see more

Background:Recent events in the world, wars, pandemics, have once again raised the issue of the need for competent human resources in global public health. In fact, in the developing countries, there are no global public health or global health master's d... see more

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