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With the current educational movement to include students with disabilities in general education settings, teachers across the nation need practical academic and behavior management interventions to help students with disabilities succeed. Self-monitoring... see more

With the current educational movement to include students with disabilities (SWD) in general education settings, teachers across the nation need practical academic and behavior management interventions to help SWD succeed. Teachers of SWD often face consi... see more

Variabilidad espacial de la velocidad de infiltración del agua en el suelo. I. Generación de datosCiencia e Investigación Agraria, Revista latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Agricultura, está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos: Thomson ISI, Alerta a... see more

Struttura del saggio e titolo dei paragrafi:PreliminariInformazioni essenziali su Christabel, poemetto ‘demoniaco’ di Coleridge pubblicato nel 1816; note di metrica (la ricezione di Poe vs la ricezione di Walter Scott); breve sinossi del testo. Il co... see more

 AbstractTraditionally, co-teaching is discussed with Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers.  Recently, researchers have been exploring the concept of co-teaching within institutions of higher education (IHEs).  Co-teaching in IHEs can p... see more

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Neste artigo propõe-se a definição de um modelo heurístico para a análise transversal do pensamento histórico, entendido como um conjunto de práticas cognitivas e discursos públicos que dotam de sentido as relações das sociedades humanas com os tempos his... see more

AbstractSmallholder farmers across Zimbabwe have been facing a problem of food insecurity because of climate-induced droughts and lack of effective use of irrigation schemes. Rainfall patterns in the country have become more unpredictable and inconsistent... see more

One of the largest federal anti-poverty programs, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), is implemented through the tax code and helps lift millions of workers above the poverty threshold. The EITC provides workers with increased financial flexibility and i... see more

AbstractThe caregiving focus of churches is on congregational members and communities, and often the well-being of the pastor is neglected. Emanating from the medical health model, the focus of caregiving in the past was on ill-being. Positive psychology ... see more

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