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Introduction and purpose of the work. High blood pressure causes an early death of people all over the world. It develops circulatory system diseases such as: heart attack, stroke, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, and also kidney failures. The fo... see more

We describe a research initiative that will explore the economic and social effects not of the COVID-19 itself but of the policies and information environment that COVID-19 spawned. We will exploit the substantial intra and inter-country temporal and geog... see more

Fainting is a transient loss of consciousness resulting from a momentary ischemia of the central nervous system. One type of syncope is vasovagal syncope, otherwise known as reflex or neurogenic syncope. The consequence of fainting may be a fallen injury.... see more

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to summarize the knowledge of non-pharmacological treatment in the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The contribution is theoretical and provides a suitable prerequisite for further examination of the su... see more

The comfort rate of patients or patients free from pain is one indicator of the quality of health services in inpatient rooms. One of the nurse's efforts to improve the quality rate is non-pharmacological pain management. Non-surgical Irna has a fairly hi... see more

Introduction: Postlaparoscopic shoulder pain (PLSP) has been well documented to effect patients following an abdominal or thoracic laparoscopic surgery. PLSP is characterized by referred pain that can occur both unilaterally or bilaterally, and is typical... see more

Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de adultos mayores hipertensos. Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga”. 2017 / Clinical-epidemiological characterization of hypertensive elderly. University Polyclinic “Pedro Borrás Astorga”. 2017 Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de adultos mayores hipertensos. Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga”. 2017 / Clinical-epidemiological characterization of hypertensive elderly. University Polyclinic “Pedro Borrás Astorga”. 2017Objetivo: caracterizar clínica-epidemiológicamente los adultos mayores hipertensos pertenecientes al Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga” durante el año 2017.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en el Policlínico Universitario “Pedro Borrás Astorga” de la ciudad Pinar del Río, Cuba durante el año 2017. El universo estuvo conformado por 5 186 pacientes pertenecientes a dicha área de salud, y la muestra  tomada al azar quedó compuesta por 2 592 hipertensos. Las variables utilizadas fueron: edad, sexo, factores de riesgo, enfermedades no transmisibles asociadas y tipo de tratamiento. El procesamiento estadístico de los datos se realizó utilizando frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes.Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino (59,6%) y el grupo de 65 y más años con (71,5%). Prevaleció eltabaquismo como factor de riesgo (48,8%), así como la Cardiopatía isquémica como enfermedad no transmisible asociada (20,9%). El tratamiento no farmacológico predominó en el 100% de los pacientes.Conclusiones: la caracterización clínica-epidemiológica en adultos mayores hipertensos permitió constatar lascaracterísticas de la enfermedad en gerentones, riesgos y vulnerabilidades asociadas, así como requisitos en el diseño de políticas sanitarias que posibiliten su  prevención, control y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida.ABSTRACTObjective: to characterize clinically-epidemiologically hypertensive elderly people belonging to the UniversityPolyclinic “Pedro Borrás Astorga” during the year 2017.Materials and Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the “Pedro Borrás Astorga” University Polyclinic of the city of Pinar del Río, Cuba during the year 2017. The universe consisted of 5 186 patients belonging to said health area, and the sample taken at random was composed of 2 592 hypertensive patients. The variables used were: age, sex, risk factors, associated noncommunicable diseases and type of treatment. The statistical processing of the data was done using absolute frequencies and percentages.Results: the female sex predominated (59.6%) and the group of 65 and older with (71.5%). Smokingprevailed as a risk factor (48.8%), as well as ischemic heart disease as an associated noncommunicabledisease (20.9%). Non-pharmacological treatment prevailed in 100% of patients.Conclusions: the clinical-epidemiological characterization in elderly hypertensive patients allowed to verify the characteristics of the disease in risk factors, associated risks and vulnerabilities, as well as requirements in the design of sanitary policies that make possible their prevention, control and improvement of the quality of life.Keywords: elderly adult; clinical-epidemiological; hypertension; risk factor’s.

Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino (59,6%) y el grupo de 65 y más años con (71,5%). Prevaleció eltabaquismo como factor de riesgo (48,8%), así como la Cardiopatía isquémica como enfermedad no transmisible asociada (20,9%). El tratamiento no farmacológ... see more

Menstrual pain is a problem that women often complain about in their teens. Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is pain before or during menstruation in the lower abdomen due to uterine cramps. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia is 54% primary dysmenor... see more

Labor pain and methods of its alleviation constitute the main problem in contemporary obstetrics, both for the patients themselves, as well as for the medical staff. Concerns associated with pain are not meaningless to the course of labor, are inextricabl... see more

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