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The cost of high-resolution water sampling devices for ecological studies and water quality analyses can be prohibitive. Moreover, the potential for operator error in the use of complicated sampling equipment can lead to inaccuracies. Here we describe the... see more

Nedfarten til DødsrigetAf A.M. AllchinDer ligger for A.M. Allchin en dybere betydning gemt i det forhold, at Joakim Skovgaards maleri Kristus i de dødes Rige til udstillingen Sjælebilleder blev hentet op i lyset efter i mange år at have været opbevaret i ... see more

Buku Anonim. 2017. Pedoman Pengelolaan Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Olahraga Pelajar.  Asisten Deputi Pengelolaan Pembinaan Sentra dan Sekolah Khusus Olahraga. Deputi Bidang Pembudayaan Olahraga. Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia. Ja... see more

The postulates of outstanding representatives of pedagogical thought presented since the time of the Hellenic pedagogy on physical education and sport have contributed to the inclusion of their content in the education system, and have become a source of ... see more

The author reveals the main ideas of action pedagogics, whose founder is a German pedagogue-reformer W.A.Lay. The author studies historiography of the pedagogical problem «school of action», which is represented in the works of Ukrainian scientists, Ukrai... see more

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Uma grande parte do valor percebido da história no mundo antigo estava ligada à sua função educacional. De um modo ou de outro, ela foi considerada como um guia benéfico para a conduta ou como magistra vitae (CÍCERO, De OratoreII, 36). Dar ... see more

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 Esse texto oferece uma reflexão teórica sobre os efeitos da inteligência artificial e do universo digital no ofício do historiador. A reflexão é baseada em um conjunto de experimentos relacionados com o desenvolvimento de um “historiador cibernético... see more

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