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259.768  Articles
1 of 25.978 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
58th ESPR Annual Meeting, 7th International Congress of UENPS, 3rd International Congress of EFCNIORGANIZING INSTITUTIONSEuropean Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR), European Society for Neonatology (ESN), Union of European Neonatal & Perinatal So... see more

Medical services are unique type of industry in which measurement, evaluation and improvement of quality is not evident. This is due to the fact that the final results, even fully correct and consistent with the current medical knowledge of the treatment ... see more

The high quality of the medical services, it’s constant improvement and custom approach to the patients needs stand as one of the most important issues of modern healthcare. The patient, being beneficiary, shapes the market of health services through expr... see more

Objective: The research evaluated the perceived quality of librarian-mediated literature searching services at one of Canada’s largest acute care teaching hospitals for the purpose of continuous quality improvement and investigation of relationships betwe... see more

Our times are characterized by the dichotomy between the increasing need for health care and the global decrease in economic resources. Neonatology is at the centre of this scenario for several reasons. Firstly, the availability of molecular and genetic t... see more

Hojas de trabajo para la autogestión del aprendizaje del idioma español / Worksheets for self-management of Spanish language learning Hojas de trabajo para la autogestión del aprendizaje del idioma español / Worksheets for self-management of Spanish language learningObjetivo: exponer el diseño de las hojas de trabajo que contienen diversos artículos por especialidades vinculados a la ciencia matemática, para entrenar la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes de postgrado, de diferentes continentes que se insertarán en las instituciones médicas cubanas.Métodos: se fundamenta en la filosofía materialista dialéctica y se emplean métodos teóricos como el históricológico;inductivo deductivo; sistematización; empíricos: análisis de documentos, observación y vivencial.Resultados: las hojas de trabajo por especialidades son herramientas interdisciplinarias para mejorar lacompetencia comunicativa. Su pertinencia está dada en disponer de un banco de artículos interdisciplinarios, materiales audiovisuales para un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en formación acelerada de mayor calidad. El entrenamiento con la hoja de trabajo tributa al mejoramiento de las competencias comunicativas-culturales de los estudiantes de postgrado de la Preparatoria.Conclusiones: la hoja de trabajo es una estrategia de autogestión del aprendizaje que logra la competenciacomunicativa del estudiante de posgrado a partir del proceso cognición, metacognición y creación desde lashabilidades idiomáticas y la interdisciplinariedadABSTRACTObjective: to present the design of the worksheets containing various articles by specialties related tomathematical science, to train the communicative competence of postgraduate students, from differentcontinents that will be inserted in Cuban medical institutions.Methods: it is based on the dialectical materialist philosophy and theoretical methods are used as thehistorical-logical; inductive deductive; systematization; empirical: document analysis, observation andexperiential.Results: the worksheets by specialties are interdisciplinary tools to improve communicative competence. Its relevance is given in having a bank of interdisciplinary articles, audiovisual materials for a teaching-learning process in accelerated training of higher quality. The training with the worksheet taxes the improvement ofthe communicative-cultural competences of the postgraduate students of the High School.Conclusions: the worksheet is a strategy of self-management of learning that achieves the communicative competence of the graduate student from the process of cognition, metacognition and creation from the language skills and interdisciplinarity.Keywords: communicative competence; worksheet; portable interdisciplinary tool.

Métodos: se fundamenta en la filosofía materialista dialéctica y se emplean métodos teóricos como el históricológico;inductivo deductivo; sistematización; empíricos: análisis de documentos, observación y vivencial.Resultados: las hojas de trabajo por espe... see more

The quality of medical care depends on the training of specialists, carried out, in particular, through continuous medical education.Aim. To form the recommendations for improving the postgraduate medical education system in the context of the overal... see more

Introduction: In recent years, the use of private outpatient services, specifically Doctor’s Office Adjacent to Pharmacies (CAF) has had a remarkable growth, therefore, the objetive of the present study is to determine if they meet the requirements to pro... see more

Background; community health center as the spearhead of health efforts both public health efforts and individual health efforts. Method; This study used a descriptive analytic method with a cross sectional study design. Sample 49 people with total samplin... see more

1 of 25.978 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»