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The article contains analysis of the current demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast. We determined causes and factors influencing the development of the demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast. The paper reveals the specifics of development of the de... see more

This paper presents the current demographic situation in Poland and Europe, with particular emphasis on the ageing of the population. Attention was drawn to the difficult situation of Polish nursing in the context of staff shortages and the alarmingly hig... see more

AbstractIntroduction: The issue of street children is one of the global social problems rising in low- and middle-income countries. These children are vulnerable, but because of a lack of sufficient information, it is very difficult for stakeholders to ad... see more

In presented article the author analyzes the impact of demographic situation in Ukraine in conditions of deep transformation of the economic crisis and individual aspects of quality of life of the population of Ukraine. The demographic situation in Ukrain... see more

In the world, the living conditions and health of the population have a certain impact on demographic processes. High population growth rates cause demographic problems. As a positive solution to these problems, a number of international organizations, in... see more

The workplace is not immune to conflict and stress, specifically when fulfilling people's responsibilities at great personal costs. Doctors and nurses are always on the frontline in hospitals, vaulting from one stressful high-stakes situation to the next.... see more

The article gives a general description and a detailed analysis of the divorce process of Volyn region population. The theoretical basis, demographic approaches to the study of divorce and divorce indicators in the region are analyzed. The importance of t... see more

Background: The channels linking the demographic and economic situation of a population are numerous. We focus on the process of a demographic transition and the demographic dividend that Sub-Saharan Africa and, in particular, the Democratic Republic of C... see more

Evaluación Funcional del Adulto Mayor: Consultorio Médico 262, Policlínico "Turcios Lima", Julio - Diciembre del 2006 / Functional assessment of the elderly: No-262 Doctor's Office, "Turcios Lima" Teaching Outpatient Clinic, July-December 2006Evaluación Funcional del Adulto Mayor: Consultorio Médico 262, Policlínico "Turcios Lima", Julio - Diciembre del 2006 / Functional assessment of the elderly: No-262 Doctor's Office, "Turcios Lima" Teaching Outpatient Clinic, July-December 2006Se realizó una investigación de Desarrollo Tecnológico, descriptiva, transversal y prospectiva, con el objetivo de evaluar el estado funcional e integral de los adultos mayores pertenecientes al Consultorio Médico No. 262, Grupo Básico de trabajo No.5, Consejo Popular "Capitán San Luís", Policlínico Universitario "Turcios Lima", Municipio Pinar del Río en el período comprendido de julio-diciembre de 2006. El universo está constituido por los 110 ancianos de nuestro consultorio, correspondiéndose con la muestra. Para la recogida de la información se utilizó el análisis de la situación de salud del sector, las historias de salud familiar e individuales, también se aplicó un cuestionario siempre bajo la voluntariedad y aceptación de las personas a participar en nuestra investigación, basado en la Escala Geriátrica de Evaluación Funcional(EGEF), así como en el Índice de Actividades Básicas de la Vida Diaria (ABVD) de Katz y la Escala de Actividades Instrumentadas de la Vida Diaria de Lawton-Brody. Para su análisis estadístico se aplicó el Test de proporción de variables. Los resultados demostraron que el sexo femenino (63.64 %) y las edades de 60-64 años (22.73 %) fueron los que predominaron, constatándose un envejecimiento demográfico. El uso de medicamentos se detectó en el 70 % de los gerontes mientras la movilidad y el equilibrio estaban afectados en el 60.91 % y 56.36 %, respectivamente. La memoria fue el componente de la esfera psicológica más frecuentemente afectado (56.64 %). Las mujeres presentaron mayores dificultades que los hombres en la mayoría de las esferas, y existe en ellas también un predominio de las alteraciones del estado funcional e integral. Los ancianos independientes, activos y satisfechos con la vida que llevan, se presentaron de forma más relevante en el sexo masculino. Palabras clave: evaluación geriátrica, adulto mayor. ABSTRACT Technological Development, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective research was conducted in order to assess the functional and general conditions of the elderly belonging to No-262 Doctor's Office, No-5 Basic Group of work "Capitan San Luis" Popular Council and "Turcios Lima" Teaching Outpatient Clinic, Pinar del Rio municipality during July-December 2006. The universe was comprised of 110 elderly attending to the Doctor's Office corresponding with the sample. To record the information an analysis of the health situation in the sector was performed, reviewing medical and familial histories, a questionnaire was applied always under voluntary nature, and the agreement of the persons to participate in the research based on the Scale of the Functional Geriatric Assessment (SFGA); as well as in the Katz's Rate of Basic Activities on Daily Life (RBADL), and the Scale of Lawton-Brody to the Instrumental Daily Activities was arranged. To the statistical analysis the Test of proportional variables was used. Results showed that female sex (63.64%) and ages 60-64 years old (22.73%) prevailed, verifying a demographic aging. The use of medications was detected in the 70% of the aged, while mobility and balance were influenced in 60.91% and 56.36%, respectively. Memory was the most affected component in the psychological sphere (56.64%). Women presented more difficulties than men in the majority of the spheres; prevailing in women disorders of the functional and general condition. The independent, active elderly, and those satisfied with their life belonged mainly to male sex. Key words: geriatric assessment, the elderly.

ABSTRACT Technological Development, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective research was conducted in order to assess the functional and general conditions of the elderly belonging to No-262 Doctor's Office, No-5 Basic Group of work "Capitan San... see more

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