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Hypertrophic scars and keloids are forms of abnormal scarring, which may be the cause of somatic ailmants and, due to unfavorable aesthetic effect, also mental disorders and social problems. Given the unclear aetiology and the lack of effective treatment ... see more

Under certain conditions, skin damage may be accompanied by a complication in the form of hypertrophic scars, keloids. A significant role in the pathogenesis of the development of keloids is attributed to immune mechanisms, neuro-endocrine disorders, here... see more

Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatment Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatmentObjetivo: aportar conocimiento actualizado sobre la fisiopatologíay el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, mediante un conector booleano AND, encontrado24 citas relacionadas con exactitud del tema y revisadas con susrespectivas referencias. Se utilizaron un total de 45 referenciasbibliográficas pertinentes para el desarrollo de esta investigación.Los queloides son neoplasias benignas del tejido conectivocompuestas de masas densas de colágeno. Su etiología es variabley los tratamientos se direccionan a la exéresis del tejido afectadoy control de la respuesta fibroproliferativa. Los tratamientosaceptados varían desde el manejo médico hasta la resecciónquirúrgica y la combinación de ambos.Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los queloides es un reto para loscirujanos dada su alta recurrencia. Si bien los diferentes tratamientosse conocen de manera amplia y están bien documentados, se hacenecesario emplear conjunta y sucesivamente múltiples técnicasterapéuticas combinadas como la cirugía, infiltración de fármacos,presoterapia, entre otras para aseguran un mejor resultado.Palabras clave: cicatriz patológica; cicatriz queloide; cicatriz;tejido de granulación.ABSTRACTObjetive: to provide updated knowledge of the pathophysiologyand comprehensive treatment of large keloid scars.Development: health science descriptors DeCS - MESHwere constructed, searching in MEDLINE and EBSCO throughPathological scar, Keloid Scar, Cicatrix, Granulation tissue usingAND boolean connector finding 24 articles accurately related to thesubject that were revised with their respective references using a total of 45 bibliographic references for the development. Keloidsare benign connective tissue neoplasms composed of densecollagen masses. Its etiology is variable and the treatments aredirected to the removal of the affected tissue and control of thefibroproliferative response. The accepted treatments vary frommedical management to surgical resection and the combinationof both.Conclusions: treating keloid scars is a challenge for surgeonsgiven its high recurrence. Although therapeutic treatments are welldocumented and widely known, it is necessary to use jointly andsuccessively multiple therapies such as surgery, drugs infiltration,pressotherapy, among others to guarantee a better result.Keywords: pathological scar; keloid scar, cicatrix, granulationtissue.

y el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, m... see more

An analysis of the anti-keloid parapharmaceuticals (AKPF) market, for preventing the formation of keloid scar (KS) and providing the population with affordable drugs is an urgent issue at this time. Doctors have not yet identified the reasons for the form... see more

An analysis of the anti-keloid parapharmaceuticals (AKPF) market, for preventing the formation of keloid scar (KS) and providing the population with affordable drugs is an urgent issue at this time. Doctors have not yet identified the reasons for the form... see more

Hypertrophic and keloid scars represent hyperproliferative disorders that can have a significant impact on patients’ lives. The authors present the case of a 53 years-old male with a sternal keloid after excision of a sebaceous cyst and multiple sess... see more

Hypertrophic and keloid scars represent hyperproliferative disorders that can have a significant impact on patients’ lives. The authors present the case of a 53 years-old male with a sternal keloid after excision of a sebaceous cyst and multiple sess... see more

BACKGROUND: Scars appear as a result of skin damage during the process of the skin healing. There are two types of acne scars, depending on whether there is a loss or accumulation of collagen: atrophic and hypertrophic. In 80-90% it comes to scars with lo... see more

Hypertrophic and keloid scars represent hyperproliferative disorders that can have a significant impact on patients’ lives. The authors present the case of a 53 years-old male with a sternal keloid after excision of a sebaceous cyst and multiple sessions ... see more

1 of 33 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»