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Atención a las manifestaciones psicopatológicas del niño durante la cuarentena por COVID-19 / Attention to the psychopathological manifestations of the child during the quarantine by COVID-19 Atención a las manifestaciones psicopatológicas del niño durante la cuarentena por COVID-19 / Attention to the psychopathological manifestations of the child during the quarantine by COVID-19Objetivo: proporcionar a los familiares orientación y herramientaspsicológicas para el manejo de las manifestaciones psicopatológicasde los niños durante la cuarentena.Desarrollo: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las basesde datos Medline/Pubmed, Elseiver, Scielo y Google académico.Se utilizó descriptores como desastre, pandemia, cuarentena ymanifestaciones psicopatológicas. Se encontró en la bibliografíarevisada que, durante situaciones críticas como la pandemia dela COVID-19, se presentan manifestaciones que pueden aparecerantes, durante y después del desastre sanitario. La cuarentena, enla que se busca el aislamiento social puede resultar un momentoestresante para el desarrollo del niño y llevar a la aparición demanifestaciones psicopatológicas que en ocasiones puede serevitable. La manera más apropiada de evitarla y enfrentarlaen caso que se presente está en las manos de los tutores y laspersonas que conviven con el niño.Conclusiones: se brindan los recursos psicológicos y orientacionesgenerales a los padres para que puedan asumir el tiempo deconfinamiento con responsabilidad.Palabras clave: desastre; pandemia; cuarentena; manifestacionespsicopatológicas.ABSTRACTObjetive: to provide family members with guidance andpsychological tools for the management of psychopathologicalmanifestations of children during quarantine.Development: a bibliographic search was carried out inthe Medline/Pubmed, Elseiver, Scielo and academic Googledatabases. Descriptors such as disaster, pandemic, quarantine and psychopathological manifestations were used. It was foundin the reviewed literature that, during critical situations such asthe COVID-19 pandemic, manifestations occur that can appearbefore, during and after the health disaster. Quarantine, in whichsocial isolation is sought, can be a stressful time for the child’sdevelopment and lead to the appearance of psychopathologicalmanifestations that can sometimes be avoidable. The mostappropriate way to avoid and deal with it if it occurs is in the handsof the guardians and the people who live with the child.Conclusions: psychological resources and general guidelinesare provided to parents so that they can assume the time ofconfinement with responsibility.Keywords: disaster; pandemic; quarantine; psychopathologicalmanifestations.

psicológicas para el manejo de las manifestaciones psicopatológicasde los niños durante la cuarentena.Desarrollo: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las basesde datos Medline/Pubmed, Elseiver, Scielo y Google académico.Se utilizó descriptores como d... see more

AbstractThe background of this research stems from the efforts made by the government to build the character of the younger generation by instilling 18 character values ??in students through character-based education. The realization of character educatio... see more

The study examines the factors that influence the disclosure of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of profitability, liquidity, leverage, activity, company and company size on th... see more

Introdução: A Terapia Ocupacional é uma profissão da área da saúde cujo foco está no fazer humano, no engajamento ocupacional e na participação social. A Logoterapia é uma abordagem centrada no sentido da existência humana cujos pilares são: liberdade de ... see more

The management of early childhood education units, basic education, and secondaryeducation is carried out based on minimum service standards with school/madrasah-basedmanagement principles. The school management in question is a form of autonomy in theman... see more

The trend of CSR implementation changed when the pandemic started. The research aims to empirically re-examine the effect of environmental performance, managerial ownership, leverage and profitability on CSR disclosure in line with the agency, stakeholder... see more

ABSTRAKSalah satu keuntungan dari pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility, reputasi perusahaan akan semakin baik sehingga loyalitas konsumen makin tinggi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguji pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada aspek... see more

Online learning in all education levels, from elementary school up to university levels is one effect of the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. This research was aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of problem based online learning using the combination of go... see more

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is basically a need for companies to be able to interact with the community around the company. The company needs to adapt and to get social benefits from interacting with the surrounding community in the form of trus... see more

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