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The sternocleidomastoid muscle is important anatomically and clinically because of its relationship with many neurovascular structures in the neck. The muscle descends obliquely across the side of the neck and divides it into anterior and posterior triang... see more

The sarcoglycan complex consists of a group of single-pass transmembrane glycoproteins that are essential to maintain the integrity of muscle membranes. Any mutation in each sarcoglycan gene causes a series of recessive autosomal dystrophin-positive muscu... see more

The aims of this paper was to determine the effect of self-myofascial release (SMFR) on postural stability and to analyze if it can influence migraine condition. Twenty-five subjects (age 49.7± 12.5) affected by migraine were enrolled. Assessments include... see more

Adenoflemón cervical en la tercera edad. Presentación de un caso / Cervical adenophlegmon in old age. A case reportAdenoflemón cervical en la tercera edad. Presentación de un caso / Cervical adenophlegmon in old age. A case reportSe presenta el caso de una paciente de 70 años de edad, raza negra, del sexo femenino, con antecedentes de padecer de diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial. Se valoró en la consulta externa del Policlínico Universitario Ernesto Guevara de la Serna de Sandino, de Pinar del Río. Fue evaluado en conjunto por un grupo de especialistas, al presentar un cuadro caracterizado por el aumento de volumen superficial de la región lateral izquierda del cuello, por debajo de la rama horizontal de la mandíbula, a nivel del músculo esternocleidomastoideo, cerca y debajo del pabellón auricular y la parótida, de aproximadamente 5 cm. de diámetro, móvil, doloroso, de superficie lisa y consistencia renitente, sin cambios en la coloración de la piel. Al examen físico otorrinolaringológico no se encontraron otras alteraciones. Se le hizo un ultrasonido en la región afectada y valoró en conjunto el caso efectuado el tratamiento médico, al establecerse el diagnóstico clínico e imaginológico de adenoflemón cervical. Se procedió además a la realización de una BAAF. Los autores presentan las experiencias derivadas de la atención del caso, no frecuente a esta edad y revisan la literatura médica sobre el tema, con especial referencia al diagnóstico y tratamiento.Palabras clave: VÉRTEBRAS CERVICALES/patología, ANCIANO.ABSTRACTA 70 year-old, black race, female patient, suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension attended to the consultation. The case was analyzed at "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" outpatient clinic in Sandino, Pinar del Rio. A group of specialists assessed the case that presented a chart characterized by an increase of superficial volume in left lateral region of the neck, below the horizontal branch of the mandible to the level of sternocleidomastoid muscle, near and below outer ear and the parotid, around 5cm of diameter, movable, painful of smooth surface and renitent consistency, without changes in skin color. No other alterations were found at physical examination or ENT specialist examination while imaging studies in the affected region were as well conducted, the case was assessed considering all these procedures to order medical treatment, clinical and imaging diagnosis established a cervical adenophlegmon. A fine needle aspiration biopsy was also performed. The authors presented the experience derived from the medical care of the case, which is not frequent in this age and reviewed the medical literature about the topic, with special emphasis on diagnosis and treatment.Key words: CERVICAL VERTEBRAE/pathology, AGED.

Quiste branquial tipo I: presentación de un caso / A type-I brachial cyst: a case reportQuiste branquial tipo I: presentación de un caso / A type-I brachial cyst: a case reportSe presenta el caso de una adolescente de 14 años de edad, raza blanca, del sexo femenino, con antecedentes de salud relativa, que se valoró en la consulta externa del Policlínico Universitario Ernesto Guevara de la Serna de Sandino, Pinar del Río, Cuba. La paciente presentó un cuadro caracterizado por el aumento de volumen superficial de la región lateral derecha superior del cuello, por debajo de la rama horizontal de la mandíbula y por delante del borde anterior del músculo esternocleidomastoideo, cerca del pabellón auricular y la parótida, de aproximadamente 4 cm. de diámetro, móvil, no doloroso, de superficie lisa y consistencia renitente, sin cambios en la coloración de la piel; al examen físico otorrinolaringológico no se encontraron otras alteraciones, posteriormente se realizó un ultrasonido en esa región. El diagnóstico dio como resultado un quiste branquial y se procedió a la exéresis quirúrgica por el equipo de autores del artículo, realizándose estudio anatomopatológico. Los autores presentan las experiencias derivadas de la atención del caso, y revisan la literatura médica sobre el tema con especial referencia al diagnóstico y tratamiento.Palabras clave: BRANQUIOMA/diagnóstico/terapia.ABSTRACTA Caucasian 14 year-old female adolescent having relative health history was assessed at "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" Outpatient Clinic in Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. The patient presented a clinical chart which was characterized by an increase of the superficial volume of the right upper lateral region of neck, below the horizontal branch of the mandible and to the front of the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, near outer ear and parotid having approximately 4cm of diameter, motile, painless, smooth surface and renitent consistency, without changes in skin color; physical and ENT examinations found no other alterations, subsequently a sonographic study in that region confirmed a brachial cyst that was surgically removed performing pathological studies. The authors presented the experiences derived from this case and the medical literature about the topic was reviewed emphasizing on the diagnosis and treatment.Key words: BRANCHIOMA/diagnosis/therapy.

The psychophysiological responses and subjective experience correlates of Buddhist chanting were recorded from a 54 year-old female Buddhist monk who performed chanting for approximately 30 to 60 minutes twice daily for 25 years. The measutes included res... see more

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