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1 of 161.056 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
O conhecimento de como o acolhimento é entendido e praticado no serviço de Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) pode trazer melhorias para o cuidado em saúde e o trabalho em rede, uma vez que acolher é uma técnica leve que motiva o cuidado significativo para p... see more

O conhecimento de como o acolhimento é entendido e praticado no serviço de Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) pode trazer melhorias para o cuidado em saúde e o trabalho em rede, uma vez que acolher é uma técnica leve que motiva o cuidado significativo para p... see more

INFLUENCIA DE LOS CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS Y MANEJO DEL DOLOR IRRUPTIVO INCIDENTAL EN PACIENTES CON TRAUMA. HOSPITAL FÉLIX MAYORCA SOTO, PERÚ / INFLUENCE OF PALLIATIVE CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF INCIDENTAL BREAKTHROUGH PAIN IN TRAUMA PATIENTS. HOSPITAL FELIX MAYOR INFLUENCIA DE LOS CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS Y MANEJO DEL DOLOR IRRUPTIVO INCIDENTAL EN PACIENTES CON TRAUMA. HOSPITAL FÉLIX MAYORCA SOTO, PERÚ / INFLUENCE OF PALLIATIVE CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF INCIDENTAL BREAKTHROUGH PAIN IN TRAUMA PATIENTS. HOSPITAL FELIX MAYORIntroducción: Actualmente, el cuidado integral de los pacientes que sufren traumatismos constituye un desafío de vital importancia, sobre todo por parte del personal de enfermería, encargado de brindar los cuidados paliativos necesarios que garanticen el control del dolor y de otros síntomas y disrupciones emocionales que pueden desencadenarse enpersonas aquejadas por estas afecciones.Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de los cuidados paliativos de enfermería y el manejo del dolor irruptivo incidental en pacientes con trauma del Hospital Félix Mayorca Soto, Tarma – Perú.Resultados: el 45,5% de profesionales de enfermería maneja eficazmente el dolor irruptivo incidental en pacientes con trauma; el 2,3% desarrolla cuidados paliativos muy favorables y el 43,2% de modo favorable; mientras que el 36,4% logra un control poco eficaz del dolor en los pacientes atendidos.AbstractIntroduction: Currently, the comprehensive care of patients who suffer trauma constitutes a challenge of vital importance, especially on the part of the nursing staff, in charge of providing the necessary palliative care that guarantees the control of pain and other symptoms and emotional disruptions that They can be triggered in people with these conditions.Objective: To analyze the influence of palliative nursing care and the management of incidental breakthrough pain in patients with trauma at the Hospital Félix Mayorca Soto, Tarma-Peru.Results: 45.5% of nursing professionals effectively manage incidental breakthrough pain in trauma patients; 2.3% developed very favorable palliative care and 43.2% favorably; while 36.4% achieved ineffective pain control in the patients attended.Conclusions: incidental breakthrough pain is frequent in patients with trauma, which has a negative impact on their health prognosis by influencing the worsening of symptoms and prolonging recovery. Palliative nursing care with a comprehensive approach favorably influences compliance with pharmacological treatment and pain monitoring and control, achieving greater well-being and quality of life in these patients.

personas aquejadas por estas afecciones.Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de los cuidados paliativos de enfermería y el manejo del dolor irruptivo incidental en pacientes con trauma del Hospital Félix Mayorca Soto, Tarma – Perú.Resultados: el 45,5% de prof... see more

Introdução: O processo saúde-doença envolve aspectos biológicos e sociais, que estão conectados entre si e que podem resultar em situações de fortalecimento ou enfraquecimento de indivíduos. Referente às situações de enfraquecimento, indivíduos podem esta... see more

The Novel corona virus is bringing multiple challenges for health care professionals. Skin is the biggest organ and the first line of defense against different infections and external factors. Being the front line warriors, health care professionals are s... see more

This paper presents findings from a dementia awareness training programme delivered to a multidisciplinary group of health professionals in the East Midlands, UK in 2012. The training aimed to develop dementia champions and improve care practices. The foc... see more

This study aimed to identify the negotiation and shared decision-making between professionals and users in a Family Health Unit and its influence on the continuity of care in the Health Care Network. Qualitative research created from a case study. One con... see more

AbstractBackground: Using best evidence to inform practice is the cornerstone of quality patient care, and requires spread, uptake, implementation and roll-out of best practices. Kangaroo mother care (KMC) was used as a best practice which has been partly... see more

1 of 161.056 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»