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Across South Africa, a wide range of activities is influenced by differences in seasonality. In a South African context, there is little consensus on the timing of seasonal boundaries. Inconsistency exists through the use of ad-hoc approaches to define se... see more

The object of research is the processes of beneficiation of iron ore in the conditions of a mining and processing plant. Iron ore beneficiation factory near parallel to existing production lines or concentration sections. One of the key characteristics th... see more

Satellite imagery paves way to obtain tangible information through remote sensing techniques.  It is necessary to classify the image in order to extract the features.  There exist various classification techniques and algorithms to retrieve vari... see more

The object of research is the processes of beneficiation of iron ore in the conditions of a mining and processing plant. Iron ore beneficiation factory near parallel to existing production lines or concentration sections. One of the key characteristics th... see more

Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a technology developed to inspect the whole gastrointestinal tract (especially the small bowel area that is unreachable using the traditional endoscopy procedure) for various abnormalities in a non-invasive manner. Howe... see more

The complexity of the electric power network causes a lot of distortion, such as a decrease in power quality (PQ) in the form of voltage variations, harmonics, and frequency fluctuations. Monitoring the distortion source is important to ensure the availab... see more

Hallux rigidus. Tratamiento con ondas de choque extracorpóreas / Hallux rigidus. Extracorporeal shock wave treatment Hallux rigidus. Tratamiento con ondas de choque extracorpóreas / Hallux rigidus. Extracorporeal shock wave treatmentObjetivo: evaluar la efectividad de la terapia con ondas de choqueen el tratamiento del Hallux rigidus.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal,con 26 pacientes con Hallux rigidus, tratados con ondas de choqueextracorpóreas en el Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional“Frank País”, en el periodo comprendido desde marzo de 2019 hastafebrero de 2020. Se realizó el análisis de las variables (edad, sexo,dolor y escala de American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society).Se obtuvieron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Con ellas seconfeccionaron las tablas que resumen la información estadísticade la investigación.Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino 84,6% y 38,5% (50-60años de edad). La cantidad de pacientes según la clasificación deCoughlin (65,3%) pertenecían al grado I y todos presentaban dolorantes de la aplicación de la terapia. Luego del tratamiento estasituación se revirtió y 69,2% de los enfermos dejaron de sentirlo,manteniéndose en el 7,7% de los casos (grado III y IV). La escalade American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (53,8%) de lospacientes estudiados, tuvo una interpretación cualitativa de mal(<50 puntos) antes de iniciar el tratamiento; posteriormente, solo7,7% permanecieron con esa puntuación.Conclusiones: la terapia con ondas de choque, con el equipo WellWave, tuvo una alta efectividad y posibilitó una rápida recuperaciónde los pacientes y su incorporación a las actividades diarias.Palabras clave: ondas de choque; antepie; Hallux rigidus.ABSTRACTObjective: to evaluate the effectiveness of shock wave therapy inthe treatment of Hallux rigidus.Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried outwith 26 patients with Hallux rigidus, treated with extracorporealshock waves at the “Frank País” International Orthopedic Scientific Complex, in the period from March 2019 to February 2020. carriedout the analysis of the variables (age, sex, pain and scale of theAmerican Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society). The absolute andrelative frequencies were obtained. With them the tables were madethat summarize the statistical information of the investigation.Results: 84.6% and 38.5% (50-60 years of age) were female. Thenumber of patients according to Coughlin’s classification (65.3%)belonged to grade I and all presented pain before the applicationof therapy. After treatment, this situation was reversed and 69.2%of the patients stopped feeling it, remaining in 7.7% of the cases(grade III and IV). The American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Societyscale (53.8%) of the patients studied had a qualitative interpretationof bad (<50 points) before starting treatment; subsequently, only7.7% remained with that score.Conclusions: shock wave therapy, with the Well Wave equipment,was highly effective and enabled a rapid recovery of patients andtheir incorporation into daily activities.Keywords: shock waves; forefoot; Hallux rigidus.

en el tratamiento del Hallux rigidus.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal,con 26 pacientes con Hallux rigidus, tratados con ondas de choqueextracorpóreas en el Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional“Frank País”, en el per... see more

Cancer of the breast is one of the world's most prevalent causes of death for women. Early and efficient identification is important for can care choices and reducing mortality. Mammography is the most effective early breast cancer detection process. Radi... see more

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