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Society is a social group that also has enormous potential if it can direct its ability to develop various competencies that can provide added value in their lives. The problem is the role of the community, often because of ignorance of the problems of th... see more

Entrepreneurial knowledge and skills can play a crucial role for young people in order to achieve a bright professional perspective. In this context, entrepreneur-ship education can make a significant contribution to the development of their en-trepreneur... see more

Students should be provided with more meaningful learning experiences to attract more students to STEM careers, Out-of-School learning environments can offer students exciting and motivating learning opportunities that formal environments cannot provide. ... see more

Children of teenage mothers differ in their health, social, and educational outcomes compared to children of older mothers. Even though the teen birth rate for First Nations women in Canada is higher than the national teen birth rate, there has been littl... see more

This study's purpose was to determine the education marketing method at MINU Tenggulunan. This is descriptive qualitative research with data collection methods using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses several steps: reducing dat... see more

AbstractThe entry of the Covid-19 virus into Indonesia has a direct impact, especially in the education sector. The most felt impact is the implementation of the learning process from home with or without using the internet network. Learning using the int... see more

Programa Educativo para la Producción Intelectual de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/Educational Program for the Intellectual Production of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine Programa Educativo para la Producción Intelectual de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina/Educational Program for the Intellectual Production of the teachers of the Latin American School of MedicineObjetivo: diseñar un Programa Educativo para la producción intelectual de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina que se corresponda con las exigencias de la Educación Médica en la sociedad contemporánea.Materiales y métodos: el universo lo conformaron 302 docentes fijos que laboran en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Se seleccionó una muestra de 100 docentes, lo que representa el 34 % de la población. Se utilizaron como métodos teóricos el análisis documental y la modelación. Como métodos empíricos encuestas y la prueba de desempeño, valorando la significación del cambio en el comportamiento de los indicadores en la misma a través de la utilización de la prueba no paramétrica de Mac Nemar.Resultados: la aplicación del Programa Educativo influyó en el desempeño profesional de los docentes, logrando que la categoría excelente, muy buen desempeño y buen desempeño aumentaran comparativamente con los resultados de la prueba de entrada, en cuanto a las de regular y mal desempeño disminuyeron, esta última en mayor cuantía.Conclusiones: la Educación Avanzada como teoría que tributa a las Ciencias Pedagógicas, contribuye a la solidez científica del Programa Educativo. Los resultados obtenidos en la práctica pedagógica y en las indagaciones teóricas y empíricas realizadas, permitieron considerar que el Programa Educativo propicia el desarrollo de la producción intelectual de los docentes de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina.ABSTRACTObjetive: to design an Educational Program for the intellectual production of teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine that corresponds to the demands of Medical Education in contemporary society.Materials and methods: the universe consisted of 302 permanent teachers who work at the Latin American School of Medicine. A sample of 100 teachers was selected, representing 34% of the population.The documentary analysis and the modeling were used as theoretical methods. As empirical survey methods and the performance test, assessing the significance of the change in the behavior of the indicators in it through the use of the non-parametric test of Mac Nemar.Results: the application of the Educational Program influenced the professional performance of the teachers, achieving that the excellent category, very good performance and good performance increased comparatively withthe results of the entrance test, in terms of the regular and poor performance decreased, the latter in greaterquantity.Conclusions: Advanced Education as a theory that pays tribute to Pedagogical Sciences, contributes to the scientificstrength of the Educational Program. The results obtained in the pedagogical practice and in the theoretical andempirical investigations carried out, allowed to consider that the Educational Program promotes the development ofthe intellectual production of the teachers of the Latin American School of Medicine.

Materiales y métodos: el universo lo conformaron 302 docentes fijos que laboran en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Se seleccionó una muestra de 100 docentes, lo que representa el 34 % de la población. Se utilizaron como métodos teóricos el análisi... see more

1 of 43.690 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»