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This study extends agency theory by explaining the client's understanding of audit quality. This study contributes to the audit literature by examining the effect of wedge control-ownership on industry specialist auditors that have not been researched in ... see more

This study aimed to investigate the link between family firm and specialist auditor selection, the investorreaction in family and non family firms on specialist auditor selection, the influence of family CEO and hiredCEO on specialist auditor selection, a... see more

This study examines the role of specialist auditors in enhancing the quality of financial statements by taking into account industry complexity. The test of hypotheses are conducted in two steps. The first step is to provide evidence that earnings quality... see more

The importance of internal audits for the pharmaceutical company, which is indicated in the guidelines for good practices in pharmacy (in particular, GMP, GDP).The issue of selection, training, grading, certification and continuous improvement of the audi... see more

An effective quality management system is a prerequisite for the effective and successful operation of any modern enterprise, including pharmaceutical companies. It is generally accepted that in such systems, the internal audit process is an important and... see more

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of auditor industry specialization in moderating the relationship between the characteristics of the audit committee and management against fraudulent financial statements. The populations in this study were... see more

Elaboración de Software Educativo para la asignatura Introducción a la Estomatología Integral Elaboración de Software Educativo para la asignatura Introducción a la Estomatología IntegralIntroducción: las propuestas de utilización de las técnicas de la Informática y las Comunicaciones, se ubican en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. En nuestro país han alcanzado una notable difusión por las ventajas que tiene, permitiendo un desarrollo exitoso del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Su aplicación en la carrera de Estomatología, constituye una propuesta agradable e instructiva, con instrumentos que organizan y guían el proceso docente. Objetivo: elaborar un software educativo para la asignatura Introducción a la Estomatología Integral, como material de apoyo a la docencia. Material y Métodos: se realizó una investigación de Innovación Tecnológica de septiembre de 2014 a enero de 2015 en cuatro etapas, en la Facultad "Victoria de Girón" para la elaboración de un software educativo en la plataforma Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3). Resultados: la búsqueda y recopilación de información mostró que la bibliografía actual es insuficiente y dispersa, las matrículas son elevadas y los profesores insuficientes. Se elaboró una herramienta interactiva ilustrada, usando la plataforma Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3) de autor cubano, según los requerimientos que especifica la plataforma, sometida a criterio de especialista en Informática y docentes, con diseño pertinente y funcional, valiéndose de recursos visuales y auditivos que facilitan la comprensión del contenido al usuario. Conclusiones: se elaboró un software educativo como complemento docente, para la asignatura Introducción a la Estomatología Integral, utilizando la plataforma Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3).Palabras clave: Software educativo, Promoción de Salud, Educación de pregrado en Estomatología, Estomatología Integral, multimedia.ABSTRACTIntroduction: the proposals of use of the Computer and Communicational Techniques are placed at all levels of the educational system. In our country they have reached a remarkable diffusion for the advantages that it’s has, allowing a successful development of the teaching-learning process. Its application in the Dentistry career constitutes a pleasant and instructive proposal, with instruments that organize and guide the educational process. Objective: to make educational software for the subject The introduction to the Integral Dentistry, as material supporting the educational process. Material and Methods: a research of Technological Innovation was carried out from September 2014 to January 2015 in four stages, at the University "Victoria of Girón" to making an educational software in the platform Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3). Results: the search and summary of information showed that the current bibliography is insufficient and dispersed; there are high registrations and the insufficient professors. An illustration interactive tool was made, using the platform Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3) of Cuban author, according to the requirements that platform´s specified, submitted to specialist's criteria in computer science and educational, with pertinent and functional design, using visual and auditory resources facilitating the understanding of content to the user. Conclusions: Educational software was made as educational complement, for the subject Introduction to the Integral Dentistry, using the platform Slide Shower v0.3 (PR 3).Keys words: Educational Software, Health promotion, degree education in Dentistry, whole wheat dentistry, multimedia.

Objetivo: elaborar un software educativo para la asignatura Introducción a la Estomatología Integral, como material de apoyo a la docencia. Material y Métodos: se realizó una investigación de Innovación Tecnológica de septiembre de 2014 a enero de 2015 en... see more

An effective quality management system is a prerequisite for the effective and successful operation of any modern enterprise, including pharmaceutical companies. It is generally accepted that in such systems, the internal audit process is an important and... see more

Conclusions. The list of the basic personal qualities of auditors of the pharmaceutical quality systems has been chosen and interpreted. The rationality of application of the methods selected has been scientifically substantiated. These methods allow sele... see more

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