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1 of 44.906 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Background. The human organism is constantly affected by metabolic risk factors. All of them for a long time are asymptomatic and often form in early childhood long before clinical manifestations. However, morphogenesis and morphofunctional features of ag... see more

Características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes pediátricos con paludismo. Hospital Provincial de Cabinda / Clinical-epidemiological characteristics in pediatric patients with malaria. Provincial Hospital of Cabinda Características clínico-epidemiológicas en pacientes pediátricos con paludismo. Hospital Provincial de Cabinda / Clinical-epidemiological characteristics in pediatric patients with malaria. Provincial Hospital of CabindaObjetivo: describir las características clínico-epidemiológicas delos enfermos pediátricos con paludismo en la provincia de Cabinda.Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal clínicoepidemiológico que comprendió 3 410 enfermos menores de 15años, atendidos en el servicio de urgencia del Hospital Provincialde Cabinda. Se registraron las variables de edad, sexo, estadonutricional, estación del año, hemoglobina, parasitemia y conductamédica seguida con los pacientes encuestados. Se compararonlos pacientes con paludismo y sin paludismo mediante la razón deproductos cruzados con intervalo de confianza del 95% y valor dep = 0,05.Resultados: el cuadro clínico del paludismo se caracterizó porfiebre, palidez evidente, hepatoesplenomegalia, astenia, depresiónde la conciencia y convulsiones. Las complicaciones más frecuentesfueron la hiperparasitemia y la anemia grave. El grupo etario demayor riesgo fue los niños menores de cinco años. No mostraronasociación el sexo, la estación del año y el estado nutricional delos pacientes. Las combinaciones sintomáticas más significativasfueron fiebre/convulsiones/palidez y fiebre/hepatoesplenomegalia/dolor abdominal.Conclusiones: el paludismo representa un problema de salud enCabinda, con mayor frecuencia en las edades menores de cincoaños y sus complicaciones neurológicas se observaron en menorcantidad que las mencionadas en la literatura, con influencia de lainfección por Plasmodium en pacientes con anemia intensa.Palabras clave: paludismo; Plasmodium; parasitemia; gotagruesa; epidemiología.ABSTRACTObjective: describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristicsof pediatric patients with malaria in the province of Cabinda.Methods and materials: a cross-sectional clinical-epidemiologicaland retrospective study was carried out, which included 3 410patients under 15 years of age, treated in the emergency serviceof the Provincial Hospital of Cabinda. The following variableswere recorded: age, sex, nutritional status, season, hemoglobin,parasitaemia and medical behavior followed by the patientssurveyed. Patients with malaria and without malaria were comparedby means of crossed products with a 95% confidence interval anda p value =0,05.Results: the clinical picture of malaria was characterized byfever, evident pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, asthenia, depression ofconsciousness and convulsions. The most frequent complicationswere hyperparasitemia and severe anemia. The age group athighest risk were children under 5 years of age, without distinctionof sex, season or nutritional status of the patients. The mostsignificant symptomatic combinations were fever / convulsions /pallor and fever / hepatosplenomegaly / abdominal pain.Conclusions: malaria is a health problem in Cabinda mostfrequently, at ages 1 to 4 years, and its neurological complicationswere observed in smaller amounts, than those mentioned in theliterature with influence of Plasmodium infections in patients withanemia intense, without other variables being determinant in theincrease in the number of these patients.Keywords: malaria; Plasmodium; parasitaemia; thick blood:epidemiology.

los enfermos pediátricos con paludismo en la provincia de Cabinda.Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal clínicoepidemiológico que comprendió 3 410 enfermos menores de 15años, atendidos en el servicio de urgencia del Hospital Provincialde C... see more

The article provides results of the research on eating behavior and diet peculiarities of students belonging to various age groups, who studied at secondary schools in the villages and district centers of Lviv Region. It was found that students of differe... see more

Introduction: Corneal infection is one of the major causes of monocular blindness in developing countries. Objective: To determine the epidemiological characteristics, predisposing factors, microbiological pattern, sensitivity pattern and treatment outcom... see more

In soccer, the relative age effect (RAE) was observed in both adult and young players. The RAE appears to be more pronounced in elite sports, probably by the need to select the best players to compete internationally. This study review: (1) the ... see more

In its essence the human organism is an open, nonlinear, permanently and dynamically evolving biological system with appropriate hierarchical levels of organization. Currently pharmacotherapy takes the dominant position of complexes of curative and preven... see more

Background: Low back pain is one of the global health issues which prevalence is high among productive ages. It oftentimes corresponds with one’s physical activity during work . The purpose of this study was to determine theprevalence and characteristics ... see more

1 of 44.906 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»