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1.069  Articles
1 of 108 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
This study aimed to investigate effects of shenkang injection on angiogenesis in mice with renal fibrosis. C57BL/6J mice after unilateral ureteral obstruction were administrated with different doses of shenkang injection for two weeks. Losartan-administra... see more

Background: Unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) is commonly used model showed to imitate process of obstructive nephropathy in a feasible. The aim of this study is to evaluate the histopathological and biochemical effects of high doses sugammadex on kid... see more

We present a ten-year-old boy with episodic left flank pain, vomiting and microscopic hematuria. Imaging showed hydronephrosis characteristic for ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. Pyeloplasty revealed a ureteral polyp, histopathologic examination ... see more

Aim: The administration of plasma expanders is crucial for managing critically ill patients across a range of clinical conditions, including major surgery, hemorrhagic shock, and trauma. However, the effects of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) on erythrocyte agg... see more

ABSTRACTObstructive uropathy may lead to irreversible kidney damage. The insertion of ureteral stent is one of procedure to relief obstruction and prevent further kidney damaged, septicemia as well as urosepsis. A study to evaluate the predictive factor o... see more

Urgencias urológicas tratadas por cirugía de mínimo acceso / Urologic emergencies treated by means of minimally invasive surgeryUrgencias urológicas tratadas por cirugía de mínimo acceso / Urologic emergencies treated by means of minimally invasive surgeryLa obstrucción y el éstasis urinario se encuentran entre los temas más importantes de la Urología de todos los tiempos por los efectos devastadores que producen sobre el riñón, incluyendo la atrofia hidronefrótica, las infecciones a repetición y la muerte, siendo el resultado final de múltiples enfermedades. La nefrostomía percutánea introducida por S. I. Seldinger en 1952 y el catéter doble J diseñado en 1978 por Finney facilita el drenaje de riñones obstruidos, mejoran la sintomatología y permiten el estudio y tratamiento definitivo en ocasiones de la causa. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo descriptivo durante el período comprendido entre el 1ro noviembre de 2003 a diciembre de 2008 en el servicio de Urología del Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado en Pinar del Río. La muestra estuvo integrada por los pacientes que fueron intervenidos por cirugía de mínimo acceso endo-urológico (nefrostomía percutánea y colocación de stens doble J. encontrando como principales resultados, que la principal causa de asistencia a consulta fue por cólico nefrítico; se realizaron más nefrostomías percutáneas en las litiasis ureterales obstructivas en relación con la colocación de catéter doble JJ, en ambos procederes las complicaciones mediatas más frecuentes presentadas fueron las sepsis post-instrumentaciones, la estadía post-operatoria promedio fue de 72 horas.Palabras Clave: Acceso endourológico, nefrostomía percutánea/efectos adversos/método, ureterolitiasis. ABSTRACTThe obstruction and the urinary stasis are among the most important topics of Urology in all times, due to the devastating effects in the kidneys, including the hydronephrotic atrophy, the infections and the death; besides it results in multiple diseases. Percutaneous nephrostomy was introduced by S. I Seldinger in 1952 and the double catheter J designed in 1978 by Finney facilitate the drainage of the obstructive kidneys, the use of these techniques improve the symptoms allowing the study and in occasions the definitive treatment of the causes. A prospective descriptive study was conducted from November 2003 to December 2008 in the service of Urology at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The sample was comprised of the patients who underwent to minimal access surgery (percutaneous nephrostomy and placement of double J. stents). Nephritic colic was the main cause to attend to the hospital; performing more percutaneous nephrostomies in obstructive ureteral lithiasis in relation to the placement of double JJ catheter, in both procedures the most frequent mediate complications were post-instrument sepsis. The average post-operative hospital staying was 72 hours.Key words: Percutaneous nephrostomy, double JJ catheter

ABSTRACTThe obstruction and the urinary stasis are among the most important topics of Urology in all times, due to the devastating effects in the kidneys, including the hydronephrotic atrophy, the infections and the death; besides it results in multiple d... see more

The fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter are benign tumors derived from mesenchymal tissue, which can rarely cause obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction in children. Because the fibroepithelial ureteral polyps are difficult to accurately diagnose preo... see more

BACKGROUND: The ureteral obstruction (UO) is the most common clinical disorders. This study was designed to investigate the renoprotective effect of estradiol in unilateral UO (UUO) and reversible UUO (RUUO).METHODS: Eighty-four ovareictomized Wistar rats... see more

1 of 108 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»