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ABSTRACTBackground:The objective of the study was evaluation of sensory integration therapyeffectiveness in children after prenatal exposure to alcohol, on the example of equilibriumprocesses. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2012 at the C... see more

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group counseling services with the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy approach using symbol modeling and live modeling techniques in lowering the careers of final students. The participants in this study we... see more

Abstract: This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of group guidance using cinema therapy technique to improve self-efficacy of the eleventh grade office administration student. This was a Quasi-Experimental Design with nonequivalent control gro... see more

Objective: To compare the effectiveness of bent leg raise technique and neurodynamics in patients with low back pain that radiates up to the knee.Methods: The pre-test post-test control group study was conducted at Department of Physical therapy, Maqsood ... see more

Background: Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the cause of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Alcohol exerts an especially negative effect on the central nervous system of an unborn child. Children with FAS frequently have problems with sensory integration. The... see more

Resultados de la capsulotomía Nd-YAG láser / Results of the capsulotomy Nd-YAG LASERResultados de la capsulotomía Nd-YAG láser / Results of the capsulotomy Nd-YAG LASERLa catarata es una de las principales causas de ceguera en todo el mundo y su extracción quirúrgica es la única terapia admitida como eficaz. Dentro de las complicaciones más frecuentes está la opacidad de la cápsula posterior del cristalino, ésta puede aparecer meses o años después de la cirugía. Ocurre entre el 20% y el 50% de los pacientes en un periodo de 5 años posteriores a la misma. La capsulotomía posterior puede realizarse mediante maniobras manuales con el instrumental tradicional, o con láser, siendo este último la modalidad habitual en la época actual; por estas razones se realiza esta investigación, para conocer los resultados obtenidos después de la capsulotomía con láser en los pacientes operados de catarata por la Técnica Blumenthal en el Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría Cuadrado, en Pinar del Río (Cuba), durante el periodo junio 2007-mayo 2008. Para ello se tuvieron en cuenta las variables: edad, sexo, implante o no de lente intraocular, complicaciones trans y post láser, así como agudeza visual pre y post tratamiento. El 80.2% de los pacientes estudiados tenía >60 años de edad y en un 96,8% se colocó lente intraocular en cámara posterior. El 65.9% de los ojos presentó elevación transitoria de la presión intraocular y sólo en un 3.2% hubo astillamiento del lente intraocular sin necesidad de extracción. Las complicaciones no cobraron importancia si se considera que el 93.2% de los ojos alcanzó una agudeza visual >0.7. Palabras clave: catarata/complicaciones, pacientes.ABSTRACT Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness all over the world and its surgical removal is the only effective therapy admitted. The opacity of the posterior capsule of the lens is the most frequent post-surgical complication. This may appear months or years after surgery and is present in 20-50 % of the patients after 5 years of their surgical intervention. The posterior capsulotomy may be performed by means of manual procedures using the traditional instrumentation, or by means of laser; the current technique nowadays. Showing the results after laser capsulotomy in patients operated by the Blumenthal Technique (2007-2008) at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, in Pinar del Rio Cuba was the purpose of this paper. Age, sex, implant and non- implant of the intraocular lenses (IOL), complications during trans and post laser therapy, as well as the visual acuity before and after treatment were the variables considered, all patients were older than 60 years (80, 2 %) and in 96, 8 % an intraocular lens was placed into the posterior chamber, 65.9 % of the eyes showed transient increasing of the intraocular pressure, and only 3, 2 % showed splintering of the IOL, but needing no extraction. Complications were not so important if it is considered that 93, 2 % of the eyes reached to a visual acuity > 0, 7. Key words: cataractc/complications, patients.

ABSTRACT Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness all over the world and its surgical removal is the only effective therapy admitted. The opacity of the posterior capsule of the lens is the most frequent post-surgical complication. This ma... see more

This meta-analytical study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy in enhancing students learning motivation and discipline. Seven experimental studies were selected as the sample of the study using purposive sampling technique. These select... see more

This meta-analytical study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy in enhancing students learning motivation and discipline. Seven experimental studies were selected as the sample of the study using purposive sampling technique. These select... see more

The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of group counseling with cognitive behavior therapy approach using passive music therapy technique to improve the self-efficacy and to reduce the academic anxiety of millennials college students who ... see more

1 of 96.537 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»