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The picture of the investigation of notation in Russia depends directly on history of musical writing in our country. The works on neumatic notation opened the tradition of musicology in Russia in the XV c. In the very beginning of the XIX c. neumes were ... see more

The picture of the investigation of notation in Russia depends directly on history of musical writing in our country. The works on neumatic notation opened the tradition of musicology in Russia in the XV c. In the very beginning of the XIX c. neumes were ... see more

The studies on the type of versification that the Rhenish abbess and mystic Hildegard of Bingen (1098-11179) used in her works are scarce, and even more so those specifically devoted to her Ordo Virtutum or Order of the Virtues, one of the most outstandin... see more

Els estudis sobre el tipus de versi cació que l’abadessa mística renana Hildegarda de Bingen (1098 –1179) emprava a les seves obres són escadussers, i encara ho són més quan fan refere`ncia al seu Ordo Virtutum o l’Orde de les Virtuts, un dels melodrames ... see more

The Canonici collection of manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford contains a number of MSS of Dalmatian provenance of which two (Canonici Bib. lat., MS 61 and Canonici Liturg., MS 277) are of particular importance for the early history of liturgical ... see more

Sacred Byzantine music originates from three sources: “the liturgy of heaven”, synagogue music as well as old Greek theory of music and lays at the bottom of the East Slavs liturgical chant. The tonal base of the Byzantine music formed tetrachords. F... see more

The Canonici collection of manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford contains a number of MSS of Dalmatian provenance of which two (Canonici Bib. lat., MS 61 and Canonici Liturg., MS 277) are of particular importance for the early history of liturgical ... see more

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