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After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, officials at all levels of government were faced with difficult policy decisions concerning public security. Many policymakers were asked to make security decisions based on limited information about the nat... see more

Mortalidad pediátrica por lesiones no intencionales en La Habana. 2003-2012 Mortalidad pediátrica por lesiones no intencionales en La Habana. 2003-2012Introducción: los accidentes o lesiones no intencionales representan un problema de salud mundial. La población pediátrica es aún más vulnerable. Objetivo: describir las causas de mortalidad ocurridas por lesiones no intencionales en menores de 15 años en La Habana entre 2003 y 2012. Material y Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 216 defunciones por accidentes ocurridas durante 2003 a 2012 en edades de 0-14 años, según datos ofrecidos por el Departamento de Estadísticas de la Dirección Provincial de Salud. Las variables estudiadas fueron: año, edad, sexo, municipio de residencia y tipos de accidentes, según la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades. Se estimaron porcentajes, se elaboraron tablas y figuras mediante el programa XLSTAT y se calculó la tasa x 100, 000 habitantes.Resultados: la mortalidad mostró tasas decrecientes de 0,92 y 0,76 en 2003 a 0,68 y 0,25 en 2012 según el sexo masculino y femenino, respectivamente. Las causas que mostraron mayor frecuencia resultaron ser: tránsito 41,2%, ahogamientos 24%, asfixia 6,4% e intoxicación 5,5%. Los adolescentes, escolares y pre-escolares como peatones fallecieron en mayor proporción por accidentalidad vial. Los ahogamientos ocurrieron en su mayoría en escolares (40,3%) y pre-escolares (30,7%) en piscinas y mar, ambos con 19,2%,y lugares sin seguridad acuática (26,9%). La intoxicación mostró igual proporción en adolescentes y pre-escolares (46,1%); la asfixia en lactantes alcanzó 84,6%. Los accidentes de tránsito y ahogamientos exhibieron mayores defunciones en el municipio Boyeros. Conclusiones: la mortalidad por accidentes aun representa un problema cardinal de salud en pediatría.Palabras clave: accidentes, mortalidad, prevención, ahogamiento, epidemiología, atención primaria de salud.ABSTRACTIntroduction: unintentional accidents and injuries mean a world health problem, and turn out to be the first pediatric cause of death. Objective: to describe the epidemiologic behavior of pediatric mortality due to unintentional accidents and injuries in Havana. Material and Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study about 216 deaths by this cause that did occurs between 2003-2012, in ages from 0-14 years old, according to data offered by the statistic department of the provincial health headquarters, and the variables studied were: year, age, sex, municipality, drowning sites, and kinds according to the international classification of diseases X edition. The percentage method was used; tables and graphs were made by means of the program XLSTAT, the rates were calculated x 100 000 inhabitants. Results: decreasing death rates in the decade from 0, 92 and 0, 76 (2003) to 0, 68 y 0, 25 (2012) in males and females respectively. The most frequent causes were: traffic (41,2%), drowning (24%), suffocation (6,4%), and intoxication (5,5%). The adolescents and schoolmate pedestrian died in more proportion for traffic accidents. The drowning, happening mostly in school (40,3%) and pre-school (30,7%) in pools and sea both with 19,2% and places without security aquatic 26,9%.  The intoxication showed up same proportion in adolescent and pre-school with 46,1% and the asphyxia in nurslings with 84,6%. The traffic accidents and drowning showed bigger deaths in the municipality Boyeros. Conclusions: Mortality due to accidents still turns out to be a cardinal health problem in pediatric ages Key words: accidents, child mortality, prevention, Immersion accident; epidemiology, primary care.

Objetivo: describir las causas de mortalidad ocurridas por lesiones no intencionales en menores de 15 años en La Habana entre 2003 y 2012. Material y Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 216 defunciones por accidentes ocurridas durante 2003 a 201... see more

In the face of heterogeneous standards and large-scale datasets, it has become increasingly difficult to understand the underlying knowledge structures within complex information systems. These structures may encode latent assumptions that could be suscep... see more

In the face of heterogeneous standards and large-scale datasets, it has become increasingly difficult to understand the underlying knowledge structures within complex information systems. These structures may encode latent assumptions that could be suscep... see more

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, two of the most powerful storms in history, devastated the Gulf Coast region in 2005. These natural disasters not only destroyed lives, neighborhoods and communities but also challenged the local, state and federal governments... see more

La expansión, crecimiento y desarrollo económico de los Estados Unidos de América se ha sustentado en la elaboración de estrategias promocionales de inmigración, donde la selectividad por origen nacional y calificación laboral estuvieron presentes en bue... see more

ObjectiveWhile there is a growing torrent of data that disease surveillance could leverage, few effective tools exist to help public health professionals make sense of this data or that provide secure work-sharing and communication. Meanwhile, our ever mo... see more

ObjectiveTo identify gaps in current U.S. animal data collection andsurveillance systems, describe how surveillance of animal populationscan provide important early warnings of emerging threats to humanpopulations from infectious disease epidemics, and ex... see more

ObjectiveThe National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC) isdeveloping a scalable, flexible open source data collection, analysis,and dissemination tool to support biosurveillance operations bythe U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its f... see more

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