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Library and Museology




48  Articles
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Early Neolithic structures at Rustrup In the period 1971-1974 Silkeborg Museum excavated two Early Neolithic structures of the Funnel Beaker culture at Rustrup about 10 km south of Silkeborg (fig. 1).STRUCTURE IThe structure lay under a completely demolis... see more

A New Earth-Grave from the Early Neolithic Period 'Konens Høj' is the name of a natural sandbank which juts out in the flat meadowland west of Stubbe Lake in southern Djursland. The meadows were in Atlantic times part of a fjord, of which Stubbe Lake is t... see more

Early Neolithic structures at Rustrup In the period 1971-1974 Silkeborg Museum excavated two Early Neolithic structures of the Funnel Beaker culture at Rustrup about 10 km south of Silkeborg (fig. 1).STRUCTURE IThe structure lay under a completely demolis... see more

A New Earth-Grave from the Early Neolithic Period 'Konens Høj' is the name of a natural sandbank which juts out in the flat meadowland west of Stubbe Lake in southern Djursland. The meadows were in Atlantic times part of a fjord, of which Stubbe Lake is t... see more

Torbjörn Ahlström: Underjordiska dödsriken – Humanosteologiska studier av neolitiska kollektivgravar.(Niels H. Andersen)Søren H. Andersen: Ronæs Skov. Marin­arkæologiske undersøgelser af kystboplads fra Ertebølletid.(Anders Fischer)Hans Andersson, Gitte H... see more

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