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5.091  Articles
1 of 510 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
This papers presents the temporal and spatial variation in the occurrence of extreme weather events in Poland which are not recorded by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management at its meteorological stations. On the grounds of the European Severe... see more

The diagnosis of small intestine tumors is challenging. Even in the era of modern medicine, standard approaches including echography, computed tomography-scan and conventional endoscopy are unable to reveal small bowel lesions. Video-capsule has substanti... see more

Small bowel is not easily accessed by endoscope and diagnosis of its pathology relies on clinical assessment and imaging. Traditional contrast studies have the disadvantage of not including the mural and extramural details. This is best seen with magnetic... see more

AbstractThis article explores how ministerial and leadership formation could be enabled to adopt transformational diaconia in addressing poverty in South Africa, engaging in ways in which pastoral care and leadership formation can respond to the addressin... see more

Peritonitis meconial y fibrosis quística / Meconium peritonitis and cystic fibrosisPeritonitis meconial y fibrosis quística / Meconium peritonitis and cystic fibrosisLa fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad génetica autosómica recesiva causada por más de 600 mutaciones conocidas del gen que codifica para la proteína de la membrana: Regulador de la membrana F.Q (CFTR). Es una enfermedad que en el período neonatal puede manifestarse por distres respiratorio, colestasis intrahepática e íleo meconial. Presentamos el caso de un recién nacido del sexo masculino, parto por cesárea, en quien se sospechó el diagnóstico de FQ. En ecografías prenatales se apreciaron signos de peritonitis meconial por íleo meconial. Fue intervenido quirúrgicamente, encontrando que gran cantidad de fibrina cubría todas las asas intestinales con adherencias, presentando una perforación en la unión yeyuno ileal, segmento ocupado por meconio duro y compacto, realizando íleostomía. Presenta empeoramiento clínico y hemodinámico, con íctero colestásico, distrés respiratorio que va agravando hasta presentar signos de shock séptico y fallo multiorgánico, falleciendo a los seis días de edad. El estudio anátomo-patológico post-mortem fue compatible con FQ. Palabras clave: Fibrosis quística, íleo meconial, obstrucción intestinal, peritonitis meconial. ABSTRACT Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic autosomal recesive disease caused by more than 600 known mutatins of the gene that codifies for the protein of the membrane: Regulator of the CF transmembrane (CFTR). It is a disease of the neonatalperiod that can be manifested by respiratory distress, intrahepatic cholestasis and meconium ileus. A case of amale newborn (throug a cesarean section delivery), suspecting the diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis is reported. In prenatal echographies signs of meconium peritonitis due to meconium ileus was observed, the patient underwent a surgery where a great quantity of fibrin covering all intestinalloops with adherences showing a perforation inthe ileum jejune join was observed. The segment was filled with a hard andcompact meconium. An ileostomy was performed, then the patient presented a clinical and hemodynamic worsening with cholestatic jaundice and respiratory distress deteriorating his condition up to showing signs of septic shock and multiple-organ failure, dying at 6 days old. The post-mortem pathologic study matched with a cystic fibrosis. Key words: Cystic fibrosis, meconium ileus, bowel obstruction, meconium peritonitis.

Os danos ambientais e estruturais causados por uma tempestade severa e tornado associado na área do Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília (DF) no dia 01 de outubro de 2014 motivaram a realização desta pesquisa. A ocorrência do tornado de intensidade F0 (esc... see more

Objective: To present two cases of fetal meconium peritonitis with perforated ileum and without a definite intestinal obstructive lesion.Case report: Two patients who presented prenatally with ultrasound findings of meconium peritonitis and postnatally we... see more

AbstractThis article explores how ministerial and leadership formation could be enabled to adopt transformational diaconia in addressing poverty in South Africa, engaging in ways in which pastoral care and leadership formation can respond to the addressin... see more

SILVER, GOLD AND IRON Concerning Katara, Urei, and the Magic Lakes of Nuristan In 1965 Lennart Edelberg published an article entitled Nuristanske Sølvpokaler (KUML 1965, pp. 153-201). The present article is intended to supplement Edelberg's findings on th... see more

1 of 510 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»