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Penempatan auditor di kantor wilayah merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan tugas dan fungsi pengawasan di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM khususnya di kantor wilayah. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa faktor pendorong dan kendala dalam ... see more

Auditory hallucinations are the most common hallucinations in schizophrenia, experienced by more than 60% of people with schizophrenia. Patients who have hallucinations often become irrational and lose control of their actions, which can lead to homicide,... see more

Incremento de la detección de lesiones cervicales mediante inspección visual. Puerto Esperanza. 2008Incremento de la detección de lesiones cervicales mediante inspección visual. Puerto Esperanza. 2008Las pruebas visuales del cuello uterino mediante ácido acético al 4-5 % (IVA) y Lugol (IVSL) contribuyen a detectar lesiones. Este constituye el primer reporte de su uso en Cuba. Objetivo: demostrar el incremento de la detección de lesiones cervicales premalignas y malignas mediante el uso de pruebas visuales en la APS. Método: estudio de casos-controles en Puerto Esperanza, Viñales, 2008. Universo: Mujeres de 15-64 años con relaciones sexuales penetrantes. Muestra: Mujeres con pruebas visuales y citología alterada (n1= 18 casos) o no (n2= 178 controles). En Patología de Cuello se les practicó colposcopia y biopsia dirigida o por conización con asa diatérmica. Se calcularon frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales y la probabilidad de detectar lesiones por las pruebas aisladas o en conjunto, además de las pruebas de rendimiento diagnóstico. Resultados: IVA e IVSL resultaron positivas en 92.9% y 79.6%, respectivamente. La probabilidad conjunta de tener lesiones fue 0.7395. Con citología alterada el 88.9 % tenía IVA+ y 77,9 % tuvo IVSL+. La colposcopia resultó positiva en el 70.9 % y la probabilidad de tener una lesión mediante pruebas visuales y la colposcopia fue 0.516. De las 136 mujeres biopsiadas resultaron útiles el 99.3%, de las cuales casi el 50 % tuvo lesiones premalignas/malignas. Las pruebas de rendimiento fueron superiores para la IVA y la IVSL que para la citología. No se detectó cáncer invasor, pero sí carcinomas in situ. Conclusión: las pruebas visuales aumentaron la cantidad de diagnósticos en 4 veces y debe generalizarse su uso.DeCS: ABSTRACTVisual examination of cervix using acetic acid up to 4-5% (VIA) and Lugol's solution (VILI) contribute to detect lesions. This constitutes the first report of their use in Cuba. Objective: to demonstrate the detection increase of pre-malignant and malignant cervical lesions by means of visual examination in Primary Health Care. Method: control-case studies in Puerto Esperanza, Viñales municipality in 2008. Target group: women from 15 to 64 years old who practice penetrating sexual relations. Sample: women who underwent visual examinations and altered cytology (n1= 18 cases) or not (n2= 178 controls). In Cervix Pathology Office, colposcopies either by directed biopsy or conization with diathermal ansa were practiced; calculating absolute and relative percentage frequencies and the probability to detect lesions by isolated tests or in set, together with the tests of diagnostic performance. Results: VIA and VILI were positive in 92.9% and 79.6%, respectively. The joint probability of presenting lesions was 0. 7395. Those showing altered cytology (88.9%) had positive VIA and 77, 9% positive VILI. Colposcopy resulted positive in 70.9% and the probability of having a lesion, proved by visual examination, simultaneously with colposcopy was 0.516. Biopsies performed to 136 women were useful (99.3%), out of them, almost 50% presented pre-malignant and malignant lesions. Yield tests were superior to VIA and VILI than to cytology. Non-invasive cancer was detected; however in situ carcinoma was. Conclusion: visual examination increased the number of diagnosis 4 times, thus its use must be generalized.DeCS: PRECANCEROUS CONDITIONS, CERVIX UTERI, CYTODIAGNOSIS, UTERINE CERVICAL NEOPLASMS, COLPOSCOPY.

Objetivo: demostrar el incremento de la detección de lesiones cervicales premalignas y malignas mediante el uso de pruebas visuales en la APS. Método: estudio de casos-controles en Puerto Esperanza, Viñales, 2008. Universo: Mujeres de 15-64 años con relac... see more

The object of research of this work is the conflict of interests of the parties in the implementation of offset agreements. One of the most problematic places when implementing offset agreements is that a wide variety of sudden events, force majeure circu... see more

Context. Article is devoted to development of a method of definition of probability-time characteristics of layer of services andapplications servers of IMS. It is shown that constantly growing a variety of services which IMS, and increase in demand for t... see more

The object of research of this work is the conflict of interests of the parties in the implementation of offset agreements. One of the most problematic places when implementing offset agreements is that a wide variety of sudden events, force majeure circu... see more

Central disorders of hearing processing are one of the main causes of school difficulties among children. CAPD is described as incapability of using auditory acoustic sounds with its correct perception within ambit structures. The disorder is often accomp... see more

Abstract. This study tests the effect of audit committee activeness on earning management in Indonesia. The conceptual framework refers to agency theory which states that the level of activeness is the main foundation for audit committee to improve the ef... see more

This research aims to analyze factors that influence the acceptable level of audit risk: a study conducted on auditors in East Jakarta. Those factors to be studied as the independent variables of this research are 1) the risk of engagement (X1), 2) the re... see more

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