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South Africa


9  Articles
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AbstractOn 29 July 2017, an international colloquium entitled ‘Re-Imagining Curricula for a Just University in a Vibrant Democracy – Carrying the Conversation Forward’ was held at the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. A ... see more

AbstractOn 29 July 2017, an international colloquium entitled ‘Re-Imagining Curricula for a Just University in a Vibrant Democracy – Carrying the Conversation Forward’ was held at the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. A ... see more

AbstractGiven the close relationship of ecodomy with other words that also derive from oikos – especially economy and ecology – the term ‘ecodomy’ opens a space for dialogue with other disciplines, especially economics and the physical and social sciences... see more

AbstractGiven the close relationship of ecodomy with other words that also derive from oikos – especially economy and ecology – the term ‘ecodomy’ opens a space for dialogue with other disciplines, especially economics and the physical and social sciences... see more

AbstractIn this article, the author engages with the question ‘what is so theological about theological education?’, which he calls a genealogy of theology. This matter is approached from a very specific vantage point as the author was the former dean of ... see more

AbstractIn this article, the author engages with the question ‘what is so theological about theological education’, which he calls the genealogy of theology. This matter is approached from a very specific vantage point as the author was the former Dean of... see more

AbstractIn this article, the author engages with the question ‘what is so theological about theological education?’, which he calls a genealogy of theology. This matter is approached from a very specific vantage point as the author was the former dean of ... see more

AbstractIn this article, the author engages with the question ‘what is so theological about theological education’, which he calls the genealogy of theology. This matter is approached from a very specific vantage point as the author was the former Dean of... see more

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