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Presentación y defensa de resultados científicos / Presentation and defense of scientific results Presentación y defensa de resultados científicos / Presentation and defense of scientific resultsObjetivo: Elaborar una alternativa metodológica que permita a los profesionales la preparación y presentación de los trabajos de investigación de forma lógica, con una escritura y un lenguaje científico adecuados.Materiales y Métodos: Se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualicuantitativa en la que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se efectuó el análisis, síntesis y contrastación de los diferentes criterios y posiciones de los autores de la literatura revisada y se aplicó la discusión grupal, que se realizó en tres grupos diferentes.Resultados: Se logró elaborar una alternativa metodológica que permita a todos los profesionales la elaboración y presentación de los trabajos de investigación de forma lógica, con una escritura y un lenguaje científico adecuado, contribuyendo a perfeccionar la producción científica de nuestra Institución.Conclusiones: Se obtiene una visión más integral para la obtención y presentación de los resultados científicos y seidentificaron las fortalezas y las debilidades de los investigadores de los proyectos de investigación, aspirantes del proceso de doctorado, así como la revisión de artículos publicados en la revista “Panorama. Cuba y Salud”. Constituyó una herramienta para la preparación integral de los profesionales de nuestra Institución, mayor preparación científico metodológica de nuestros docentes, para organizar, planificar y ejecutar el trabajo científico.Palabras clave: resultado científico; presentación; defensa; socialización; impacto.ABSTRACTObjective: to develop a methodological alternative that allows professionals to prepare and present research papers in a logical manner, with adequate writing and scientific language.Materials and Methods: a qualitative and quantitative research model was used in which theoretical and empirical methods were used. The analysis, synthesis and contrast of the different criteria and positions of the authors of the reviewed literature was carried out and the group discussion was applied, which was carried out in three different groups.Results: It was possible to elaborate a methodological alternative that allows all the professionals the elaboration and presentation of the works of investigation of logical form, with a writing and a suitable scientific language, contributingto perfect the scientific production of our Institution.Conclusions: a more comprehensive vision for the obtaining and presentation of the scientific results is obtained and the strengths and weaknesses of the researchers of the research projects, aspirants of the doctorate process, as well as the review of articles published in the journal were identified. “Cuba and Health Panorama”. It constituted a tool for the integral preparation of the professionals of our Institution, greater scientific methodological preparation of our teachers, to organize, plan and execute the scientific work.Keywords: scientific result; presentation; defending; socialization; impact.

Materiales y Métodos: Se utilizó un modelo de investigación cualicuantitativa en la que se emplearon métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se efectuó el análisis, síntesis y contrastación de los diferentes criterios y posiciones de los autores de la literatura re... see more

Information and communication technologies based on formative research are of great importance for achieve competent professionals in the labor and research sphere and in the adequate preparation of teachers with the consequent accompaniment to students w... see more

The subject matter of the article is the methods, models and mechanisms of forming a portfolio of research projects of higher education institutions. The goal of the work is to develop a mechanism for managing a portfolio of research projects of a higher ... see more

Research in the Faculty of Dentistry "Raúl González Sánchez". 2011-2015. Research in the Faculty of Dentistry "Raúl González Sánchez". 2011-2015.Introduction: Universities are an excellent space to make investigations. The main function is to generate new knowledge.Objective: To evaluate the performed actions and results achieved by the Investigation's Department of the Faculty of Dentristy "Raúl González Sánchez" of the Havana Medical University, during the period 2011 - 2015.Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was carry out at institutional level, of the actions performed and the results achieved of the Faculty's Investigation Department during the period 2011 - 2015. Were studied institutional actions done in favor of research as well as the variables associated with scientific research projects and publications performed.Results: Training workshops were held to prepare investigations projects, and publications and also workshop for the approval of 129 new projects. From those, 25,4% belong to Periodontics, 22,2% to Orthodontic, 18,3% to Prosthodontic and 16,3% to Integral General Stomatology. Release of scientific magazines to publish were: Refereed magazines (52.4%), of them, 22,2% in foreign magazines. 67,3% were new release. Conclusions: Between 2011 and 2015, research activity in the studied Faculty can be evaluated as satisfactory, due to there has been an increase in the number of research projects and the publications remained at similar levels for years, except 2015, in which they increased. The number of publications release from projects increased. More than half of the articles were published in refereed journals, the number of papers in foreign journals increased, and most were original articles. Keywords: Projects, investigations, publication, scientific production, faculty of dentistry.

Objective: To evaluate the performed actions and results achieved by the Investigation's Department of the Faculty of Dentristy "Raúl González Sánchez" of the Havana Medical University, during the period 2011 - 2015.Materials and Methods: A descriptive st... see more

AbstractWithin an academic environment and context of higher education, the question of disciplinary differentiation and research methodology are burning issues to adhere to the quest for scientific and sound epistemological based knowledge. While dealing... see more

The article substantiates the concept of scientific education and its need for high school in the digital transformation of education, provides an overview of innovative teaching methods that can be effectively used to spread scientific thinking to a wide... see more

Organization of cognitive activity of medical students at different levels of research work is described. It is contributed to the formation of future doctors’ research competence at various levels of research. Such work includes the following components:... see more

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