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Demographic changes taking place in Poland and in the world, a decrease in the number of births and prolonged life expectancy have resulted in an increase in the number of elderly people. The success of today’s medicine is among others prevention of chron... see more

Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nursing professionals in Brazilian state public hospitals. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study conducted between March 2015 and February 2016, wit... see more

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a group of diseases that arise due to a decrease in acquired immunity. This research is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional design that aims to describe the relationship between family support and attit... see more

This research is a case study. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of implementing a flipped classroom for English course and analyse students’ perceptions of the implementation of the Flipped Classroom in teaching English for the nursi... see more

LOS MEDIOS AUDIOVISUALES EN EL DESARROLLO DE LOS TURNOS DE DEBATE Y REFLEXIÓN / THE AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEBATE AND REFLECTION SHIFTS LOS MEDIOS AUDIOVISUALES EN EL DESARROLLO DE LOS TURNOS DE DEBATE Y REFLEXIÓN / THE AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEBATE AND REFLECTION SHIFTSIntroducción: La carrera de enfermería se distingue por el desempeño profesional de los profesionales. Entre las orientaciones metodológicas para el desarrollo de la profesión está la participación en las cátedras honoríficas y multidisciplinarias, en especial las que encaminadas al desarrollo del trabajo político-ideológico. Objetivo: proponer la utilización de los medios audiovisuales para el desarrollo de los turnos de reflexión y debate y como parte del sistema de preparación integral de estudiantes.Métodos: se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva en una muestra de 45 estudiantes, del 2do año de técnicos de enfermería, indagándose la forma en que se desarrollaban los temas dentro de estos turnos, así como determinar la motivación hacia la tarea y la importancia atribuida por los alumnos durante la actividad.Resultados: consideramos necesario la vinculación de los contenidos impartidos con los medios de enseñanza por las ventajas que estos nos reportan para el aprendizaje y la motivación Investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años por especialistas cubanos y de otros países, reconocen las ventajas en la utilización de los medios audiovisuales por el docente entre otros tenemos.Conclusiones: vivenciándose que el empleo de los medios audiovisuales permite aumentar la participación y la motivación de los alumnos de una manera activa y con un alto nivel de compromiso con la revoluciónABSTRACTIntroduction: The career of nursing is distinguished by the performance of its professionals. Among themethodological indications for the development of the profession is its participation in the Honorific andMultidisciplinary Chairs, especially those that develop the ideological political work.Objective: To propose the use of audiovisual media for the development of reflection and debate sessionsand as part of the system of comprehensive student preparation.Method: A descriptive research was developed in a sample of 45 students, from the 2nd year of nursingtechnicians, investigating the way in which the subjects were developed within these shifts, as well asdetermining the motivation towards the task and the importance attributed by the During the activity.Results: We consider it necessary to link the contents taught with the teaching aids because of theadvantages they give us for learning and motivation Research carried out in recent years by Cuban andother specialists in the field recognizes the advantages in the use of Audiovisual media by the teacheramong others we have.Conclusions: Experiencing that the use of audiovisual media allows to increase the participation and motivation of the students in an active way and with a high level of commitment to the revolution

Introduction: The career of nursing is distinguished by the performance of its professionals. Among themethodological indications for the development of the profession is its participation in the Honorific andMultidisciplinary Chairs, especially those tha... see more

Resumen: La tarea de comunicarnos ha existido desde siempre. Como seres humanos que interactuamos con nuestro entorno, emitimos continuamente mensajes- verbales o no verbales-, al mundo que nos rodea. Desde Enfermería, para establecer una correcta relació... see more

Nursing education from the past to the present has focused mainly on traditional learning methods in classroom settings, where the student is in a passive position and based on behavioral learning approaches. However, today, changes and developments in so... see more

OBJECTIVE to elaborate and validate a proposal for a nursing care plan in people hospitalized with AIDS, in an infectious disease unit, using ICNP® version 2015. METHODS A cross-sectional study, followed by validation of content, performed with 20 nurses... see more

1 of 1.971 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»