The increasing public consumption of health supplements and herbal medicines during the Covid-19 pandemic has made business competition in the Pharmaceutical and Herbal Medicine Industry increasingly fierce. This study was conducted to determine the effect of Agnes Monica's Endorser Credibility, Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on the Purchase Decision of Tolak Angin Liquid Products during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method in this study, using a quantitative method with a descriptive and verification approach. The sample in this study was 400 respondents who were obtained using accidental sampling technique. The data analysis technique used a Likert scale technique and path analysis. The results of this study indicate that descriptively the variables of Agnes Monica's Endorser Credibility, Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, and Purchasing Decisions are in the good category which means strong brand awareness and Agnes Monica's height when the quality of Tolak Angin products makes consumers confident to buy. Based on the correlation value between Agnes Monica's Endorser Credibility, Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality, it has shown a strong relationship. There is a partial influence between Agnes Monica's Endorser Credibility on Purchase Decisions of 21.5%, Brand Awareness of Purchase Decisions of 15.6% and Perceived Quality of Purchase Decisions of 55.1%. There is a simultaneous influence between the variables of Agnes Monica's Endorser Credibility, Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Purchase Decisions of 71.6%. Meanwhile, the remaining 28.4% influence other variables not examined.

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