The article features the research of the effectiveness of using the virtual dissection table in medical higher educational institutions. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of the virtual dissection table in the training of future medical specialists are determined, practical aspects are described. Laboratory works have been created on the use of the virtual dissection table in teaching theoretical and clinical disciplines in medical higher education institutions. The authors considered the formation of the following components of students’ experimental competence through the use of Sectra Virtual Dissection Table during the lessons: cognitive-intellectual, diagnostic, prognostic, information, analytical and research. The cross-curricular links between the disciplines "Human Anatomy" and "Medical and Biological Physics" in view of the formation of the aforementioned experimental competences are considered. The algorithm for work with the muscular system in the Human Anatomy Atlas program on the Sectra Table F18 Virtual Dissection Table is described in detail. The authors showed the capabilities of the Sectra Virtual Dissection Table: viewing realistic human anatomy; simulation of the human body in combination with 3D touch control when viewing, panning, rotating and zooming in an image; distance measurement in 3D volume and arbitrary clipping plane; cropping a part of 3D volume etc. The authors point out that the use of a virtual anatomical table should take into account students’ and teachers’ information and digital competence to work with modern virtual equipment and the educational environment of the medical educational institution. Extended clinical cases with unique pathologies in the Sectra Table library contribute to the formation of medical students’ professional competencies. The authors conclude that the use of medical computer programs allows the teacher to organize innovative types of educational activities and to form students’ experimental competence components. The prospects for further research might involve conducting a pedagogical experiment on the effectiveness of using the created system of laboratory works and demonstrations on the basis of Sectra Table F18 Virtual Dissection Table.

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Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal en el período 2008-2017. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos teóricos y empíricos para analizar la evolución del desarrollo del aula virtual y los elementos fundamentales de la misma en cu... see more


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Curso gerencia universitaria y en salud para especialidades biomédicas. Aula virtual de salud. 2018 / University management course and in health for biomedical specialties. Virtual classroom of health. 2018 Curso gerencia universitaria y en salud para especialidades biomédicas. Aula virtual de salud. 2018 / University management course and in health for biomedical specialties. Virtual classroom of health. 2018RESUMEN  La Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina posee las condiciones tecnológicas requeridas y el recurso humano preparado para la utilización del ambiente virtual en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. El curso Gerencia universitaria y en salud se imparte a residentes de las especialidades Biomédicas de esta universidad. Esta forma de superación posgraduada carecía de acciones educativas planificadas metodológicamente en los Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje. A pesar de la introducción de determinados recursos educativos en el Aula Virtual de Salud, su utilización no es óptima y los residentes están limitados en el desarrollo de esta modalidad de Educación a Distancia. Se realizó una revisión documental para el análisis de la bibliografía referente a los Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje y Gerencia y los procesos lógicos del pensamiento: el análisis, la síntesis y el enfoque sistémico. Se efectuó el trabajo metodológico entre los profesores de los departamentos de Informática médica y de Ciencias Sociales. Se obtuvieron resultados relativos a la optimización del tiempo para los residentes y los profesores, mejoramiento de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en correspondencia con las exigencias sociales y educativas actuales, el desarrollo de las actividades interactivas con el uso de la plataforma colaborativa Moodle y el mejoramiento profesional de los participantes. La utilización de los entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el Curso Gerencia universitaria y en salud de las especialidades biomédicas de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, permite el uso más productivo del tiempo y mejora la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Palabras clave: Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza Aprendizaje; Gerencia.ABSTRACT  The Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) has the technological conditions required and the human resource for the use of virtual environment in the teaching learning process. The university management course and in health is teaching to residents of Biomedical specialties in ELAM. This form of postgraduate upgrade was deficient of educative actions, methodologically planed in virtual environments of Teaching Learning(EVEA). Inspire of the introduction of determined educative resources in the Virtual Classroom of Health(AVS), its utilization is not optimal and the residents are limited in the development of the Distance Education modality. As methods were used the documental review for the analysis of bibliography related to EVEA and Management and the logical processes of thinking: analysis, synthesis and systemic focus. The methodological work was done between professors from Medical Informatics and Social Science departments. Results related to optimization of time for residents and professors, improvement of teaching learning quality process were reached in correspondence with actual social and educative requirements, the development of interactive activities with the use of Moodle collaborative platform and professional improvement of participants. The utilization of virtual environment of teaching learning in University Management Course and in health of biomedical specialties of the ELAM, allows more productive use of time and the quality improvement of the teaching learning process.Keywords: Virtual Environment in the Teaching Learning; management.

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management course and in health is teaching to residents of Biomedical specialties in ELAM. This form of postgraduate upgrade was deficient of educative actions, methodologically planed in virtual environments of Teaching Learning(EVEA). Inspire of the i... see more