Home  /  Jurnal Aspikom  /  Vol: 3 Núm: 2 Par: 0 (2017)  /  Article

Kampanye Bahaya Rokok dan Pendekatan Rasa Takut (Fear Appeal)


This research aims to assess whether campaign on dangers of smoking have been appropriate as good persuasive message using Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM)theory by Kim Witte. Persuasion message should contain two aspects: to provide threat on dangers of smoking and at the same time to give a way out in the form of a recommendation that a person could avoid dangers of smoking. The research method used is evaluation research. It evaluated to two campaigns based on Public Service Announcement (PSA) of the Ministry of Health of RI titled “Suara Hati Anak” and PSA of the Ministry of Health Malaysia titled “Smoking Destroys Lives”. The result shows that PSA created by the Ministry of Health of RI doesn’t fully contain elements of good persuasive message compared to PSA made by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia.

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