Sistem Pemantauan Kendaran Rental Berbasis Global Positioning System (GPS) dengan Kendali Jarak Jauh


The transportation service supply industry is growing rapidly lately. Starting from online motorcycle taxis, online taxis, to vehicle rental service providers, both motorbikes and cars. Car service providers are usually used for personal and public use with a large capital so security needs to be added to the car. This safeguard is in anticipation of customers who intentionally want to commit criminal acts by escaping the vehicle they rent. Therefore, in this study, a rental vehicle monitoring system was made that is able to send its location if there is an indication of fraud by the customer. This system is equipped with the Global Positioning System (GPS) uBlox Neo 6 and is integrated with the Arduino Uno microcontroller and GSM SIM900A module so that it is able to update location data through Short Message Service (SMS). In addition, this system is equipped with an internal storage module (data logger) so that it can record the trip of the rental vehicle according to the owner's order. From the test results that have been done the system is able to provide location information with an average distance difference of 12.184 meters from the actual position. In addition, the system is able to send its position via SMS with an average delivery time of 6.194 seconds.

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