Intercultural philosophy, rupture, consciousness of world and the abysmal. Contribution to an Anthropophagic Epistemology from the South


This work develops different contributions that challenge the epistemological classic notions to dividing fields of knowing in those who are susceptible of being studied and learnt and those who are not, beyond the knowledge considered as such by the Academy or by certain hegemony of knowledge. We propose some perspectives that question this dichotomy and the notion of totality as its basis, as for example, intercultural philosophy, from Raúl Fornet-Betancourt; the rupture like a function of the concept itself, analyzed by Arturo Roig; the consciousness of world product of the simultaneity proposed by Alexander Von Humboldt and finally the notion of the abysmal developed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. These perspectives contribute to think an "epistemology of the South". However, we expect here to advance from that notion to other, that is postulated as an 'anthropophagic epistemology". So some basic knowledge of the Brazilian avant-garde movement of the 1920s are developed in order to pave the way in the consolidation of this new epistemological perspective.

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