Evaluation of psychological performance strategies of volleyball players Voleybolcularin psikolojik performans stratejilerinin belirlenmesi


Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the performance strategies of volleyball players and also comparison of usage levels of strategies in training and competitions.Method: Total 134 voluntary amateur volleyball players between the ages of 15-24 participated in the study. Performance strategies of volleyball players were determined with Test of Performance Strategies that designed by Thomas et al., (1999). To examine the performance strategies of volleyball players and also comparison of usage levels of strategies in training and competitions Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programme was employed. To define possible differences between variables Independent samples t test was used.    Findings: Practice scale’s highly used strategy was self-talk and the lowest usage percentage was attention control. Meanwhile, competition scale results indicated that the highest used strategy was activation and lowest used strategy was relaxation. While comparison of differences between practice and competition scales strategies, it was found that except of goal setting and imagery all other strategies showed significant differences.Conclusions: Psychological performance strategies’ averages of volleyball players were ensured and it is exhibited that to which strategies should be thought and focused.?Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.??ÖzetAmaç: Bu çalismanin amaci, voleybolcularin kullandiklari psikolojik performans stratejilerinin incelenmesi ve antrenmanlarda ve müsabakalarda kullanilan stratejilerin kullanim düzeylerinin karsilastirilmasidir.Metod: Çalismaya 15-24 yas arasinda 134 gönüllü voleybolcu katilmistir. Sporcularin kullandiklari psikolojik performans stratejilerini ve bu stratejilerin düzeylerini belirlemek üzere Thomas ve ark. (1999) tasarladigi Psikolojik Performans Stratejileri testi kullanilmistir. Istatistiki analizlerin yapilmasi amaciyla Sosyal Bilimler için Istatistik programi kullanilmistir. Olasi farkliliklarin tespiti için Bagimsiz Örneklem t testi kullanilmistir.    Bulgular: Antrenman alt ölçeginde kullanilan stratejiler arasinda en yüksek ortalama kendinle konusma becerisi; en az kullanilan ise dikkat kontrolü saptanmistir.  Müsabaka alt ölçeginde ise en fazla kullanilan strateji olarak da aktivasyon becerisi; en düsük düzeyde kullanilan beceri stratejisi de rahatlama olarak bulunmustur. Kullanilan becerilerin karsilastirilmasi sonucunda hedef belirleme ve imgeleme becerileri disindaki tüm becerilerde anlamli farklilik bulunmustur.Sonuç: Voleybolcularin psikolojik becerileri kullanim düzeyleri ve ne tür becerilerin daha fazla oranda çalistirilmasi gerektigi ortaya koyulmustur.

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