The article deals with the technologies of organization of documentation studies distance learning for bachelors of vocational education by means of information and communication technologies, for which an analytical review of the training system for vocational training teachers specialized in document studies, industry standards of higher education and perspective directions of vocational education development in Ukraine have been conducted. The authors substantiate the didactic conditions and the required technological tools for implementation of the distance learning document study system for prospective bachelors of vocational education. The two-level system of study is substantiated, where the initial stages provide for the study of office work, and at the higher level additional issues of electronic document circulation, archival studies and documentary fund studies are mastered. The necessity of organizing remote intensive independent work of students is stated. It requires the innovative means of future professionals training to be studied and developed. The structure of the integrated distance course on documentary provision for management is proposed and its main components are detailed, namely the reference abstract of lectures with integrated hyperlinks, a bank of multimedia presentations for classroom lectures, laboratory works, as well as a test module for students' academic achievements. As an example, the use and features of the MOODLE distance learning environment for an integrated course on document management for future professionals has been demonstrated. The article suggests that the proposed approaches to the organization of distance learning can be used not only for training of prospective bachelors of documentation studies but also for other related specialties.