Aplikasi Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Pada Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pagar Alam (STTP)


This study aims to develop a valid and practical Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Application. This research is based on a less than optimal test process because it still uses paper sheets and graduation announcement process waiting for a long time. The instrument used in this study is the expert review to test the validity and test of one to one to know the practicality. Based on the Expert Review results of this product is stated valid from the average value of the assessment of media experts, design experts and evaluation experts with a score of 3, 9 so that the product category is valid. Then the practicality of this product was assessed by 3 respondents with an average score of 3.9 with practical criteria. So based on the CAT application product that is valid and practical. Then suggested to the next researcher to be able to research on the Android operating system.Keywords             : Computer Assisted Test (CAT), Validity, Practicalization

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