Pathology of the psychological contaminations in Dehkhoda’sAmsaloHekambased on the thought of Eric Berne


Proverbs are one of the best fields of study and research on the ideas of speakers of a language. In fact, this type of folk literature, is part of the literature of each land that people see it as the best way to express their common ideas and use it as an expressive language of their psychological states. In this regard, the psychological study of Persian proverbs, focusing on Dehkhoda’sAmsaloHekam, can indicates some features that are lied in psychological states of Persian speakers. Contamination is one of the Eric Berne’s psychological term and a Personality disorder in which adult ego is interfering with parent or child or both. In this status, the person has illogical reasoning full of prejudice and illusion. If these types of reasoning become widespread in the society, they will collapse social solidarity. They also make people to accept the dictatorship by people and maintain power in the hands of a particular class. With the pathology of Persian proverbs, it can be concluded that, in some proverbs, psychological contaminations are such that they can prevent mutual understanding and social cohesion or keeping power in the hands of a particular class.

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