Commuting and travel experiences in the south of Chile. Mobility practices of minor intermediate cities


The present article analyzes the commuting experiences of inhabitants from the communes of La Unión and Río Bueno in the south of Chile, who use different means of transportations to develop their respective daily activities. By using mobile methods, it was possible to analyze and explore the daily dynamics of the commuters directly associated with the inhabited cities and their territorial, geographical and time-space disposition. Among the findings, it can be highlighted certain aspects that strain and suggest ruptures in the travel experiences among intermediate and minor intermediate cities. Furthermore, new mobility narratives were found that are associated with body and mind transformations experienced by the commuters during a time-space dedicated to the organization and development of the mobility practices. Finally, it was confirmed the existence of mobility practices that are typical of the culture of the inhabitants of these territories, including differences in time, rhythm and rituals from the mobility practices acquired in solely urban spaces.

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