ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design of an intelligent recognition and sorting system. Intelligence is included in the system by using a multilayer feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) for image recognition. Full duplex Bluetooth communication is used between the intelligent system and a robot-control computer. Image compression and principal component analysis (PCA) reduce the dimensionality of the data, and only the salient feature vectors of an image are used for image recognition. A control signal guides a robot arm to place an object into an allocated space. The system is relatively immune to noise, and can generalise when faced with missing data.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie artikel hou die ontwerp van n intelligente herkenning- en sorteringsisteem voor. Intelligensie word ingebou in die sisteem deur middel van n kunsmatige neurale netwerk vir beeldherkenning. Kommunikasie word bewerkstellig tussen die intelligente sisteem en n robot-beheerde rekenaar. Beeldkompressie en hoofkomponentanalise verminder die dimensionaliteit van die data en slegs kritiese kenvektore word aangewend vir beeldherkenning. n Beheersein rig die robotarm om die objek op n aangewese plek te plaas. Die sisteem is relatief immuun teen geraas en kan veralgemeen wanneer dit gekonfronteer word deur ontbrekende data.

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