Therapeutic alliance in face-to-face and online counseling: Opinions of counselor candidatesYüz yüze ve çevrimiçi psikolojik danismada terapötik isbirligi: Psikolojik danisman adaylarinin görüsleri


The aim of this study is to examine how counselor candidates view therapeutic alliance within the frame of traditional face-to-face counseling and online counseling. The study was conducted with the participation of 11 volunteering counselor candidates (eight female and three male) in the fourth year of their Guidance and Psychological Counseling undergraduate program at a public university in Turkey. Results obtained through content analysis indicated that the counselor candidates were largely able to cooperate with their clients in setting goals, in working towards these goals and in solving problems, and that the counselor candidates formed a personal connection with the clients. However, it was also observed that online counseling led to problems in building cooperation to achieve goals, and in allowing the counselor and client to understand one another. ÖzetBu çalismanin konusu, geleneksel yüz yüze psikolojik danisma ile çevrimiçi psikolojik danisma sürecindeki terapötik isbirligini psikolojik danisman adaylarinin nasil degerlendirdigidir. Bu çalismaya Türkiye’de bir devlet üniversitesinde, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danisma lisans programi son sinifta okuyan 11 (sekiz kadin ve üç erkek) gönüllü psikolojik danisman adayi katilmistir. Yapilan içerik analizinin sonucunda, psikolojik danisman adaylarinin; danisanlari ile amaçlari belirlemede, bu amaçlara ulasmaya çalismada, danisanlarin sorunlarinin çözümünde büyük oranda isbirligi sagladiklari ve danisanlari ile aralarinda kisisel bir bagin olustugu bulgularina ulasilmistir. Ancak, çevrimiçi danismada amaçlara ulasmada isbirligi ve danisanla psikolojik danisman adayinin birbirini anlamalarinda güçlük yasandigi sonucuna varilmistir.

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