The status assessment of Corynandra viscosa subsp. nagarjunakondensis (Magnoliopsida: Cleomaceae), endemic to Nagarjunakonda, Andhra Pradesh, India


Corynandra viscosa subsp. nagarjunakondensis (Cleomaceae), a flowering plant taxon endemic to Nagarjunkonda of Krishna River Valley, Andhra Pradesh, southern India was assessed for its ecological status.  The distribution of this species was mapped, population estimated and the impending threats ascertained.  The extent of its area of spread is primarily limited by the water body (Nagarjunasagar) created by the impounding waters when a dam was constructed across the River Krishna at the site of its occurrence. The extent of occurrence (EOO) and the area of occupancy (AOO) of this taxon were estimated to be 0.20 km2 and 0.31 km2, respectively.  The threat assessment places the taxon in the Critically Endangered [B1ab(iii)] category.