Homonymy as a Source of Comic in Informal Internet Communication

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Gerda de Wet    

<b>The Microstructural Treatment of Affixes in Afrikaans Translation Dictionaries</b>The microstructural treatment of affix lemmata in Afrikaans translation dictionaries is currently inadequate. In the dictionaries under discussion, namely &l... see more

Revista: Lexikos


In principle, the line separating polysemy from homonymy is clear, but in practice the criteria for identifying distinct senses can be problematic. It is not always easy to decide at which point two meanings of one polysemic word merit separate entries i... see more

Revista: Homeros

Anne Zribi-Hertz,Loïc Jean-Louis    

This article bears on General Locative Marking (GLM), as exemplified in Martinican Creole (MQ): the surface homonymy of phrases denoting Goal, Source and Stative Location. With a few languages as comparative background, we explore in some detail the expr... see more

Maksim Duszkin    

Review The text is a presentation of R. Kaleta's book Bialorusko-polska homonimia miedzyjezykowa published in 2014 by the Slavic Publishing Centre of the Institute of Slavic Studies PAS. The monograph includes an analysis of source literature and some th... see more