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Did Savary of Mauléon participate in Alfonso IX’s failed siege of Caceres 1218?


This paper assesses the evidence on whether Savary of Mauleon could have been present in the attempted conquest of Caceres by King Alfonso IX of Leon around the autumn of 1218. This paper furthermore explains, what were the possible reasons that might have encouraged the participation of this Poitevin mercenary in Iberian wars against the Almohads. It also attempts to contextualise Savary’s alleged involvement in Iberia in relation to his political and military career before and after the events of the Fifth Crusade. Afonso, Carlos Filipe, 2014, “Técnicas e táticas de assédio e defesa dos castelos em Portugal no contexto da reconquista – O caso de Alcácer, 1217”, em Fortificações e território na península ibérica e no Magreb (seculos VI al XVI, Fernandes), Isabel C. F. (ed.), Vol. II, Lisbon, Edições Colibri, p. 517-539. 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