Home  /  Aestimum  /  Núm: Aestimu Par: 0 (2018)  /  Article

La valutazione monetaria dei servizi ecosistemici marini: un’indagine sulle trezze nell’Alto Adriatico e i Millennials


The aim of this paper is to explore the monetary value of marine ecosystem services provided by coralligenous habitats in the Adriatic sea. The paper describes the development of a contingent valuation survey and examines the perspective of Millennials. Even if this group of citizens presents environmental attitudes, external factors and individual characteristics may prevent effective environmental friendly behaviour. Prior academic research regarding monetary evaluation of coralligenous habitats has not focused on Millennials behaviour. We carried out the survey to a sample of 897 Italian students. The findings will be of interest to academic researchers, to institutional decision makers, and to people in general who are concerned with marine ecosystem services. This study encourages future empirical researches trying to refine and apply the finding to support decision makers in identifying management alternatives.

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