Therapeutics aspects of music education: the role of Bach flower dances in the development of positive emotional states at seven and eight year old primary-school pupils


Disintegration of moral value system in modern society demands changes of educational system. Education takes an important part with its effort to establish integral education. In this way, an individual develops all his potentials: physical, emotional, cognitive and mental. Music education in its therapeutic mission helps at forming harmonious personality and becomes a mediator at different activities where discrepancies do not allow a successful educational process. On the basis of the empirical research in order to examine the results of Bach flower dances at seven- and eight-year-olds as well as the empirical findings acquired, a conclusion can be made that practicing Bach flower dances provides positive effects on certain positive emotional states as well as development of generally positive emotional state. Therefore, it is an important factor in pupils' personal development and legitimately owns a position in the school environment.

pp. 119 - 133
Musicological Annual

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