Urban Form and Mobility Choices: Informing about Sustainable Travel Alternatives, Carbon Emissions and Energy Use from Transportation in Swedish Neighbourhoods

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Romário Valente Santos,Elcimar de Sousa Barros    

O Aglomerado Urbano de Macapá e Santana (AUMS), localizado na Amazônia Setentrional Amapaense (ASA), é estruturado em Eixos e Centros Urbano: Eixo Norte, Eixo Oeste, Eixo Sul, Centro Urbano de Macapá e Centro Urbano de Santana. Todas estas frações do esp... see more

In this article, urban allotment gardens (UAGs) are discussed as one of the alternative urban development frameworks - Slow City. The UAG concept as well as the Slow City agenda aims to protect and enhance strong community relationships, decision making,... see more

Revista: Sustainability

China’s urbanization has attracted considerable academic attention. However, more work is required to understand and examine the driving mechanisms of urbanization, especially within the context of the transition from socialism. We used a regressio... see more

Revista: Sustainability

Chengri Ding    

This paper investigates the linkage between emerging urban spatial development and institutional arrangements in China. Emerging spatial patterns, which are prevalent and sizable so that any impacts will be substantial, include dispersed employment conce... see more

Revista: Sustainability

John Blewitt    

The complexity and multifaceted nature of sustainable lifelong learning can be effectively addressed by a broad network of providers working co-operatively and collaboratively. Such a network involving the third, public and private sector bodies must rea... see more

Revista: Sustainability