The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the behavior of using credit cards based on social class, experience and lifestyle of Bank Danamon consumers simultaneously and partially. The method used in this research is inferential statistics, while the type of research used is descriptive verification research. The sample in this study were Bank Danamon credit card users, the sampling technique used was Slovin. The results showed that in general Social Class, Consumer Experience and Lifestyle on Bank Danamon Credit Card Usage Behavior is good. There is a significant influence between Social Class, Consumer Experience and Lifestyle on the Behavior of Using Bank Danamon Credit Cards simultaneously. Partially, there is a significant influence between the Consumer Experience variable on the Bank Danamon Credit Card Usage Behavior. There is a partially insignificant influence between Social Class on Bank Danamon Credit Card Use Behavior, there is an insignificant influence of Lifestyle on Bank Danamon Credit Card Use Behavior.

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