For making, one of printing entreprises with a large and can competitive with other competitor that have similar field, that company must give attention for determining the quality of product, which can give to consumer, in that case can be impacted for determining of consumer loyality and For surviving of the entreprises in the future , The purpose of research for knowing the determining of Quality of Product as a determining for increasing the consumer loyality, in Pandawa Digital Printing Depok, This research use Quantitative Descriptive methode and for taking the sample uses random sampling, the information have been got by using a questionaire with fifteen questions, for the sample have been collected amount 70 of the employee from CV Pandawa Digital Printing Depok, with the testing that from Correlation Coeficient have been gotted 0.693 point, and this have been mean between product quality and Loyality of Consumer, in other hand from Determination Coefficient have been gotted a result amount 0,58%, and it has described between the Quality of Product have an impact toward Loyality of Customer with the level of average relationship and the residual of result have been 42 prosentage that it have been impacted by other factor which have been not knowing. From the result of research can be taken a conclusion the product of quality have a strong impact toward Customer loyality and Quality of product have average relationship toward customerr loyality

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