Market Basket Analysis for Books Sales Promotion using FP Growth Algorithm, Case Study : Gramedia Matraman Jakarta


For retail companies such as Gramedia stores, promotion and strategies to sell books are important, so tools are needed to analyze past sales data. Gramedia does not yet have tools to analyze shopping cart patterns that aim to carry out product promotions appropriately. To promote what books should be promoted using the market basket analysis method or shopping basket analysis. The algorithm used in the data mining process is Frequent Pattern Growth (FP Growth) because it is faster in processing large data. The data analyzed is historical data on book sales from January to March 2020 which is taken randomly (random sampling). The framework used in the data mining process is the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) and the tool used is the Rapid Miner using a market basket analysis framework. With a minimum support of 0.003 and a minimum confidence 0.3 using the FP-Growth algorithm to produce an item set of 7 rules to recommend product promotions. The algorithm results are also in accordance with the business understanding phase of CRISP-DM.

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