People's life always adapts to the extraordinary flow of information and technology, technological developments have a major influence on the way humans transact financially, namely wanting the availability of practical and fast payments. In meeting the lifestyle needs of all users, DANA is here as a tool to fulfill payment transactions. Promotion is also the company's main focus to create purchasing decisions for users.The purpose of writing in this study is to analyze the influence of lifestyle and promotion on purchasing decisions on the DANA digital wallet in Karawang Regency. This research was conducted using quantitative research methods. The research sample consisted of 100 samples where the sampling system used random sampling.From the results of data analysis in this study showed a partial influence between lifestyle on purchasing decisions by 54.4% and promotion on purchasing decisions by 14.5%. The simultaneous influence of lifestyle and promotion on purchasing decisions with a determination coefficient of 68.9% on the DANA digital wallet in Karawang Regency. SPSS version 16

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