Cashier application technology has evolved along with technological developments. MSMEs that focus on growing into profitable businesses are aware of the importance of using Point of Sale (POS). POS XYZ provides MSMEs benefits in managing sales. The number of MSMEs that have not used POS is an opportunity for XYZ to develop a business. It is necessary to investigate the factors that affect the loyalty of POS XYZ users. Apart from that, there is no research that examines the effect of price perception, risk perception, trust, e-service quality, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty of POS XYZ. This study aims to examine MSMEs customer loyalty when using POS XYZ in Jabodetabek. Data were collected from 200 POS XYZ user questionnaires in Jabodetabek. The method used is quantitative. The data in the analysis is using structural equation modeling. This study aims to help XYZ develop business by looking at the factors that influence loyal customers. This study found a positive influence between perceived price, perceived risk, trust, and e-service quality towards customer satisfaction, as well as a positive influence between perceived price and customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty. In addition, this study found no influence between trust and e-service quality on customer loyalty.

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