Consumer Online Buying Decisions: A Critical Appraisal of Literature


Since last two decades buying of goods and services from online stores using Internet started off. But playersof this industry could reach to the general public residing in second and third category Indian cities in recentpast only. Now companies are eagerly interested in understanding the factors affecting Indian consumers sothat their needs and wants can be understood and served profitably. This research paper is an attempt tocritically evaluate those factors which affect consumer buying behavior in Indian Internet based businessenvironment. For the purpose of coverage of topic researcher has classified the literature under threecategories which are Literature related to vendor related factors, Literature related to consumer relatedfactors and Literature related to other factors. Vendor related factors include those factors which areprimarily controlled by the companies that are engaged in selling their goods and services on internet alongwith their intermediaries through which such sales take place. Consumer related factors have beenbifurcated under two heading that are consumer demographic factors and consumer psychographicfactors. Besides this there are several other factors which may affect consumers buying decisions and theyare classified as other factors. This research paper also tries to identify the gaps (if any) in the availableliterature of the factors affecting consumer online buying decisions.

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