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Mustakim Mustakim    

ABSTRAK. Salah satu organ penting dari sebuah perusahaan adalah rapat umum pemegang saham. Rapat umum pemegang saham adalah forum tertinggi untuk pengambilan keputusan perusahaan. Keputusan rapat umum pemegang saham akan menjadi dokumen hukum baik bagi p... see more

Yustisia Setiarini Simarmata, Winanto Wiryomartani    

A certificate of inheritance is a document of proof from the heirs about the truth that they are the right people and have the right to inherit from the heir. Certificate of Inheritance is required when heirs wish to transfer rights from the heirs. For r... see more

Revista: The Juris

Anak Agung Bagus Juniarta, Desak Putu Dewi Kasih    

The purpose of this paper is to analyze, identify, and elaborate on the concept of escrow or escrow accounts including escrow agreements in relation to buying and selling transactions in Indonesia and to examine the role of Notaries as providers of escro... see more

Fatria Hikmatiar Al Qindy    

Notary is a general official authorized to make authentic deed, one of which is making the deed of auction document in accordance with the Notary Position Act, but in other provisions, the Auction Regulation states that the authorized to make the deed of... see more

Revista: Notaire

Artur César de SOUZA,Fernando Gustavo KNOERR,Eleandro Granja Costa Vanin e HOCHMANN    

RESUMOObjetivo: Analisa a utilização do teletrabalho no contexto da Pandemia (Covid-19), seu conceito e previsão legal a partir da Lei nº 13.467/2017, que alterou a CLT. Discorre-se sobre as modalidades e características do teletrabalho, a subordinação, ... see more